Determination of the agronomic performance of the working bodies of the cultivator ККР-1,5а when leaving the nursery

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The paper highlights that key cultivator design parameters are working tool operating width and type and its arrangement on frame. These parameters depend on treatment type, sowing design and number of rows in sowing strip. Key requirements for modern forest nursery cultivator worling tools are given. They are designed to rip soil, kill weed vegetation, disturb soil crust and enable soil cultivation depth adjustment from 2 to 10 cm. The paper highlights key requirements for modern cultivator working tools for forest nurseries the studies goal is to raise planting stock treatment efficiency in forest nurseries due to development of ККП-1,5А cultivator digging cutting point for nurseries. Studies to determine agrotechnical indicators in Moscow region nursery spruce large-sized seedling treatments were conducted. Cultivated soil width, protection soil width, ripped soil fraction breakdown (soil particle size indicators) and weed destruction rate were identified in plant treatment quality assessment in forest nurseries. Experiment frequency is fivefold with measurement number in each experiment over 30 times. The study findings were processed under common available mathematic statistics procedures. Digging cutting point applications were found in the highest agrotecnical treatment indicators studies.


Forest nursery, cultivator, working tool, planting stock, weed vegetation, agrotechnical treatment

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IDR: 143172987   |   DOI: 10.24419/LHI.2304-3083.2020.3.11

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