The importance of the expert's opinion in the making of criminalistic significant information

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At present, changes in information processes, including the complication of information, affect all areas, including law enforcement. In this regard, in most cases, the investigator or the court cannot establish the circumstances relying only on their own information, therefore, there is a need to contact a competent person and obtain such important evidence as an expert opinion. The proposed article is devoted to the consideration of the expert's opinion as an important element of the system of criminalistic significant information. In the course of the research it was determined that an expert's opinion can serve as a means of checking criminalistic significant information, as well as a means of obtaining it, be a means of solving forensic and procedural tasks of an investigator and a court.


Expert opinion, forensic scientist, criminalistic significant information, law enforcement activity, forensic activity, means of verification, means of obtaining, means of solving problems

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IDR: 143177996   |   DOI: 10.24412/2587-9820-2021-3-91-104

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