Age dynamics of stabilographic characteristics posture stability of young sportswomen at the stage of initial preparation in aesthetic gymnastics

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Ability of maintenance of a vertical posture is the most important factor of success in the difficult coordination sports, such as esthetic gymnastics. Besides, it is known that reliability posture stability is an integrated indicator of a functional condition of analyzers and the central nervous system (CNS), characterizes features of formation of various functional systems in ontogenesis. The article presents the results of the age dynamics posture stability of young sportswomen at a stage of initial preparation in esthetic gymnastics. Within three years 12 gymnasts whose early specialization was carried out from age of 6-7 years are examined. Stabilographic characteristics of control of a vertical pose registered by means of a computer stabiloanalization "Stabilan - 01" and program and methodical providing StabMed complex ("Rhythm", Taganrog). For detection of features of maintenance of a vertical pose standard tests have been chosen: 1) test «Romberg» (for studying of involuntary posture control) in two options - with the opened and closed eyes; 2) test «Target» (for studying of voluntary posture control). The age period of investigated (6-9 years old) is characterized by intensive formation of the CNS that in the conditions of trainings in esthetic gymnastics has led to improvement of stabilographic indicators posture stability both at involuntary, and at voluntary control. The greatest progress in age dynamics of regulation of a vertical posture is characteristic of a situation of voluntary posture control (in the test «Target») and first of all, it is shown in the form of decrease in fluctuations of a body in the frontal and sagittal planes that, however, is followed by growth of energy consumption. It is important to note that distinctions between efficiency of involuntary and voluntary posture control have significantly decreased, and for some indicators voluntary control even became more effective. Restriction of visual control exert negative impact on reliability of maintenance of balance, but in the majority of parameters of a stabilokineziogramma (SKG) by the end of the third year of trainings the size of destabilization of a vertical pose with closed eyes was much less.


Posture stability, vision deprivation, computer stabilography, age dynamics, young sportswomen

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IDR: 14264025

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