Impact of specific meteorological factors of a monsoon climate of Primorsky region on coordination abilities of adolescents with intellectual disabilities

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Relevance. Currently there is a lack of studies on the influence of extreme climatic conditions, for example, specific meteorological and climate-geographical conditions in Primorskiy region are among them, on the health of children and adolescents with mild mental retardation. There is no data allowing the optimization of the process of physical education in accordance with the psychophysical state of adolescents. Research aim. The article investigates the fragments of the scientific research, devoted to the complex study of the influence of meteorological factors on the demonstration of basic coordination abilities by schoolchildren with mental disorders. Research methods. Different pedagogical control tests, allowing estimating the development of abilities to keep statical balance, ability to react, response system, capacity for spatial awareness have been used during the experiment. Overall investigation included more than 2880 measurements, allowing examining the studied coordination abilities under the influence of changing meteorological factors...


Complex of meteogeophysical impacts, monsoon climate, intensity of meteorotropic reactions, motional sphere, intellectual disabilities

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 142221995

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