Innovation development. Рубрика в журнале - Economic and Social Changes: Facts, Trends, Forecast

Публикации в рубрике (48): Innovation development
все рубрики
Institutional capacity of innovation activity development in the region

Institutional capacity of innovation activity development in the region

Rumyantsev Aleksei Aleksandrovich

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The article presents the results of the study under the theme of development of institutions of innovation sphere, transfer of scientific results to the real sector of the economy. The purpose of the study is to reveal institutional capacities of strengthening the implementation of research findings, drawing on the functional properties of institutions with regard to innovation activities. The methodology is to apply well-known methodological principles to the solution of emerging challenges (software-based method for fundamental scientific result implementation, sectoral research organizations in the new management environment and statistical records of process innovations by analogy with product innovations). The article puts forward and justifies the proposal for strategic innovation as the institution of communicating the results of fundamental research to social practice by integrating into a single process the results of oriented fundamental research, applied research, engineering development, development and other works, which are realized in the form of a material object or service of a high technology level...


Introduction of innovation technology as a factor in environmental modernization in Russian Arctic

Introduction of innovation technology as a factor in environmental modernization in Russian Arctic

Lipina Svetlana Arturovna, Zaikov Konstantin Sergeevich, Lipina Aleksandra Valerevna

Статья научная

The paper considers the fundamentals of formation and realization of the modern Russian state environmental policy in the Arctic and analyzes environmental threats and challenges, including the impact of the mining and metallurgical complex on the environment. Coal industry and ferrous and nonferrous metallurgy are considered to be major producers and accumulators of waste. In the smelting of metals slags are formed, which are based on oxides. Sulfur oxides occupy one of the first places according to their negative impact on the environment. The present paper considers environmentally responsible business models in the Arctic, when the priority in management decisions is given to the issues of preserving nature and not just making profit. The main environmental issue is associated with the accumulation of waste in the places of concentration of objects of industry, transport, energy and social sphere in the confined spaces in those areas of the Arctic, where mineral deposits are exploited, raw materials are processed and transported...


Investigation of the connection between the statistical indicators of innovative processes and the socio-economic situation in the region

Investigation of the connection between the statistical indicators of innovative processes and the socio-economic situation in the region

Sherin Vladimir Alexandrovich

Статья научная

Many domestic scientific publications are devoted recently to innovative character of the development of the Russian economy and its regions. Innovative processes in the regions are associated frequently with the basic priorities of their social and economic development. This innovation assessment should have a strong basis. The subject of the article is the study of the major features of the social and economic development in one of the Russian regions against the background of the innovative processes in this region.


Investment and innovative vector of agroleasing

Investment and innovative vector of agroleasing

Sovetova Nadezhda Pavlovna

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The article describes the capabilities of agroleasing as a form of state support for innovative development of baking and grain processing industry through fiscal subsidies for the purchase of new equipment. The benefits of leasing finance schemes of investing in innovative projects compared to commercial bank lending are shown by means of specific calculations.


Knowledge work and transnational networks in Lithuanian Public sector

Knowledge work and transnational networks in Lithuanian Public sector

Labanauskas Liutauras

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International and transnational student mobility is becoming a global strategy of young persons’ career, and in this regard Lithuania is not an exception. Nevertheless, we lack studies in the analysis of the mechanisms and processes of the integration of mobile culturally privileged persons in the labour market of their country of origin, as it is these mechanisms and processes that allow mobile persons to increase their value in the labour market of their country of origin and to be in the forefront of the creation and transfer of innovations. In order to bridge this academic gap of studies on mobility/migration, this article deals with the “returning to Lithuania” experiences of the citizens of Lithuania who completed Bachelor’s or Master’s studies abroad. The main question of this study is how the mobility/migration experience helps in developing human, social and cultural capital and how the returnees act as the agents of innovation in their country.


Major city development forecast: designing the innovative future

Major city development forecast: designing the innovative future

Lavrikova Yuliya Georgievna, Antipin Ivan Aleksandrovich, Pryadein Aleksei Anatolevich, Suvorova Arina Valerevna

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The article describes the results of application of the authors' approach to forecasting the development of the city (in the case of one of the largest Russian cities - Ekaterinburg). The main results of the development of multi-variant long-term forecast of Ekaterinburg socio-economic development are presented: the provisions of the approach used to create such documents are set out, a brief description of the forecasting methodology is given, the key aspects of city life in the context of the proposed development scenarios are forecasted, the main risks of long-term development of the city are described. The study is based on the use of the whole set of forecasting methods such as mathematical modeling, balance and cohort-component methods, extrapolation methods and expert evaluation method. The article describes the situation in Ekaterinburg regarding other cities and evaluates key development prospects of a municipal unit. It is recommended to use the approach based on the given scenario “junctions” (each of which gives two alternative scenarios); this helped identify eight options for the city transformation...


Megaprojecting as a tool of strategical and territorial management

Megaprojecting as a tool of strategical and territorial management

Mitrofanova Inna Vasilyevna, Zhukov Aleksandr Nikolayevich

Статья научная

Modern territorial strategic management needs upgraded tools. Today megaprojects are the actual but ambiguous strategical management tools of territorial development along with the federal target-oriented programs. There are both positive and negative examples of territorial megaprojecting in history. The article divulges the reasons for the development of territorial megaprojects; it describes their distinctive features and risks. The conditions for the effective practical application of territorial megaprojects in the sphere of strategic territorial management are substantiated in the article.


On assessing the contribution of an innovation factor to the results of the regional economic development

On assessing the contribution of an innovation factor to the results of the regional economic development

Neustroyev Sergey Sergeyevich

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Nowadays, innovations are regarded as the main factor of economic growth in the region that is recognized by both public authorities and scientific community. In this regard, one of the major scientific challenges is to assess the contribution of an innovation factor to the results of the regional economic development. The researches of this problem presented in the literature are based on the use of production functions apparatus - Cobb - Douglas model, Solow growth model. The author suggests assessing the contribution of an innovation factor to the results of the regional economic development basing on the assessment of various aspects of effective innovation activity - the efficiency of innovation projects, innovation activity of enterprises in the region, management efficiency of innovation processes in the region. Integrated assessment proposes to compare in dynamics the growth of gross regional product and regional innovation cost.


On the transformation of science and innovation space of a macroregion: case study of the northwestern federal district

On the transformation of science and innovation space of a macroregion: case study of the northwestern federal district

Rumyantsev Aleksey Aleksandrovich

Статья научная

The article presents the research results of science and innovation space in order to identify problem fields as the directions of its possible transformation. The analysis of the unevenness of science and innovation space by several indicators helped to identify the key problem fields in science and innovation activity in specific local fields. The article shows that the results of science and innovation activity in the regions with extractive industries are underestimated. It indicates the need for intensive support of large processing enterprises, the necessity to introduce indicative planning of the activity on the execution of federal and regional scientific and technological programmes. The tendencies of science and innovation space of a macroregion on the example of the Northwestern Federal District, contributing to its transformation in resolving the issues of upsurge in innovation activity, are determined.


Organizational-economic maintenance of innovation activity in the region: comparative assessment

Organizational-economic maintenance of innovation activity in the region: comparative assessment

Antipina Nadezhda Igorevna

Статья научная

The article proposes the approach to evaluate the organizational-economic maintenance of innovation activity in the regions in quantitative and qualitative indicators, as well as the method to calculate the assessment of regulatory support of this activity. It justifies the author’s approach of comparative efficiency evaluation of innovation legislation and regions’ innovation development level. The article gives the qualitative estimation of regulatory support of innovation development in the regions that are innovation leaders. It singles out key directions to develop regulatory support of innovation activity, which encourage RF subjects’ innovation activity.


Potential for Asia-Pacific countries innovative development

Potential for Asia-Pacific countries innovative development

Kuznetsova Natalia Victorovna, Kocheva Ekaterina Victorovna

Статья научная

The relevance of the chosen topic is determined by the new geo-economic situation. Since the end of the 20th century, the vector of global economic development has shifted towards the Asia-Pacific region. Russia's economic entry to the Asia Pacific region is a necessary condition for its internal sustainability and competitiveness on the international stage. The purpose for the research is to assess the level of innovative and technological development in Asia-Pacific countries with further clustering. Integrated assessment remains understudied, in particular, in the context of Asia-Pacific market. The authors estimate innovative activity of 42 Asia-Pacific countries during 2008-2013 (252 observations), built regression models, use their own methodology for clustering Asia-Pacific countries by level of innovation development in 2008-2013 according to indicators of innovative activity. The study identifies the most significant factors the changes in which have a positive impact on innovative development of a country: “human potential factor”, “factor of innovative development”, “factors facilitating (impeding) the development of human abilities”...


Principles and practice of operation of foreign technology transfer centers

Principles and practice of operation of foreign technology transfer centers

Terebova Svetlana Viktorovna, Volkova Lyubov Alekseevna

Статья научная

The article provides a classification of intermediary organizations market innovation (technology transfer centers, business innovation centers, development agencies, etc.) on the following criteria: the founder, the organizational-legal form, market focus, the method of funding, the main directions of activities, staff, the results. The features of the system transfer technologies in the USA, Germany, Japan, Australia, China, South Africa, etc. Conducted during the study analysis showed that to date there is no universal model for the functioning of technology transfer centers. However, the experience of most foreign countries is evidence of the need for major components of infrastructure for technology transfer: the legal framework governing the activities of technology transfer, financial support from both the state and the private sector, skilled and qualified personnel. Initial data for the performance served as a special methodical and reference literature of domestic and foreign authors.


Public-private partnership in the scientific and technological sphere of defense industry: Russian and foreign experience

Public-private partnership in the scientific and technological sphere of defense industry: Russian and foreign experience

Nikolaev Alexey Evgenyevich

Статья научная

The article is devoted to the problems and prospects of cooperation between state and business as key areas in the strategy of technological modernization and maintaining the competitiveness of the economy. It analyzes the international experience of public-private partnership in the scientific and technological content of the military economy. The analysis held in the course of research has proved that the PPP in the defensive industrial complex of the Russian Federation is the best and often the only possible perspective of the further innovative development of the industry.


Regional innovation system construction and deepening reformation

Regional innovation system construction and deepening reformation

Gong Jianwen

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The article considers the stages of formation of innovation systems in China’s regions. It presents the current condition of these systems and the specifics of their present and future development. The topical issues concerning the improvement of innovation development management at the regional level are highlighted.


Regional system of economic and social factors in the formation of innovation development resources

Regional system of economic and social factors in the formation of innovation development resources

Donichev Oleg A., Fraimovich Denis Yu., Grachev Sergei A.

Статья научная

Accelerated reorientation of the Russian economy on innovation development and the implementation of new industrialization and import substitution tasks are major strategic problems for Russia; finding the solutions to these problems will make it possible to overcome the lag in socio-economic development and eliminate the consequences of the economic crisis and sanctions of Western countries. Therefore, the goal of the study is to identify the key resource indicators that determine the level of use of innovation potential of territorial systems and to build on this basis our own approach in order to analyze and adjust modernization development in regions. Research methods are based on the use of economic and mathematical methods, factor and correlation analysis. We identify factors that have the greatest impact on innovation indicators. We assess the degree of their impact on innovation development. The list of factors we have identified is used to assess the degree of differentiation of regions within the Central Federal District according to the level of resource provision of innovations...


Research and innovation activity in the region as a driver of its sustainable economic development

Research and innovation activity in the region as a driver of its sustainable economic development

Rumyantsev Aleksei A.

Статья научная

In the unstable economic environment there is an ongoing search for ways to strengthen economic stability in the regions. The development of research and innovation activities can be considered a long-term fundamental factor in solving this problem. The aim of the study is to identify the following trends in the production and distribution of innovation in the macro-region: creation and development of a polycentric structure of research and innovation activities in the regions and possible forms of its strengthening from the standpoint of economic stability in the regions. As the method of research we use structural and functional analysis of the research and innovation space of the macro-region, its current status and development trend. In the course of our research we substantiate the tendency toward the formation of a polycentric structure of scientific and innovation activity. We provide the data characterizing it in the macro-region of the North-West of Russia: location of scientific organizations in the region, their employees, internal costs allocated to research and development, amount of higher education institutions and branches of higher education institutions established in the regions, which train highly qualified personnel for various sectors, including region’s own scientific base, and serve as a source of local innovation...


Scientific and technological development of the Russian economy in the transition to a new technological order

Scientific and technological development of the Russian economy in the transition to a new technological order

Uskov Vladimir S.

Статья научная

In modern developed countries, an active search for new sources of growth has begun. One of them is the scientific and technological potential (STP), implemented through new informational, digital, and industrial technologies. Its development leads to the formation of a new technological structure and the acceleration of labor productivity growth. STP accounts for up to 90% of the total contribution of all factors to the growth of these countries' gross domestic product. The formation of a new order is a modern global trend, which is important to follow in order to maintain the economy's competitiveness. The orientation of the Russian economy toward the export of energy resources poses threats to the economic and technological security of the national economy. Thus, within fundamental technological and structural changes of the world economic system, the task of Russia's transition to a new technological order becomes particularly relevant. Important areas of its solution are the creation of qualitatively new production relations, a favorable regulatory environment and its alignment with the requirements of the new technological order, the formation of appropriate informational and material equipment for the implementation of new technologies and activities. The purpose of this article is to analyze the scientific and technological development of the Russian Federation in the process of transition to the new technological order. The article summarizes the theoretical foundations of the essence of technological changes in the economy in the process of the transition to the new technological order; it studies domestic and foreign experience of implementing national plans and strategies in the sphere of scientific, technical, and innovative development; it analyzes the status and trends of the scientific and technological development of the Russian Federation according to key indicators of a new technological revolution; it reveals issues of the economic development in the process of the transition to the new technological order; it develops a set of measures for the activization of processes of the scientific and technological development of the Russian Federation in a new environment.


Scientific and technological potential of the territories of Russia and china: assessment and development prospects

Scientific and technological potential of the territories of Russia and china: assessment and development prospects

Mazilov Evgenii A., Sheng Fangfu

Статья научная

Russia and China are among the world’s leading powers, and they exert significant impact on the world economy and the world’s largest markets. In addition, these countries are global scientific centers and occupy leading positions in several branches of science. The intensification of cooperation between Russia and China in recent years is a reason for a growth of interest in studying their scientific and technological potential and finding possible points of interaction in this direction. The problems of socio-economic and scientific and technological development of both countries have much in common, and this fact also increases the interest in its comparative evaluation and the study of the experience of overcoming current problems. In this regard, the goal of the study is to assess the scientific and technological potential and identify areas of its development in Russia and China. Proceeding from the goal, the article studies theoretical aspects of scientific and technological development of territories and provides our own interpretation of the concept “scientific and technological potential” based on the combined option that unites the resource-based and effective approaches to this economic category...


Shared values in the formation of a modern techno-economic paradigm

Shared values in the formation of a modern techno-economic paradigm

Romanova Olga Aleksandrovna, Akberdina Iktoriya Viktorovna, Bukhvalov Nikolai Yuvenalevich

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The article presents the evolution of the concept of techno-economic paradigm. It points out that the concept of transformative investments (impact investing) has a significant impact on the formation of a modern techno-economic paradigm. In the framework of this concept, “shared values” are considered as a central element in the development strategy of any state. The ideology of shared values is based on pragmatic principles that create economic value to meet the interests of society. It is based on “three pillars of sustainable development”: planet, people and profit. The authors identify three main types of impact investing - responsible investing, development investing, localizing investing. The paper highlights the most important areas of impact investing and substantiates the expediency of promoting the ideas of impact investing at the level of individual business entities, which formulate a specific approach to the management of socio-economic systems of the micro-level, the authors call this approach “impact management”...

