Introducing nature-saving technologies as an environmental imperative in the development of regions

Автор: Medvedeva Ljudmila N., Frolova Maria V., Moskovets Maria V., Medvedev Artem V.

Журнал: Вестник Волгоградского государственного университета. Экономика @ges-jvolsu

Рубрика: Региональная экономика

Статья в выпуске: 4 т.21, 2019 года.

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The article deals with the conservation and restoration of water resources, which is one of the basic factors of regional development. O.V. Inshakov paid attention to this factor highlighting natural resources (land, water, minerals, forests and others) with a certain set of indicators of quantity, structure and quality in the structural and logical model of the development of Volgograd region - 2030. One of the key directions of the civilization development in the 20th century was the search and practical application of a new class of technological and technical solutions in the field of water conservation with the ecological imperative “preserve nature for future generations”. This implies the gradual elimination of their practices of economic activity processes that can lead to irreversible consequences in the ecosystem of the planet. In this context, the issues raised in the article on the study and preservation of natural water quality in the South of Russia are veryjustified and relevant. As a result of the anthropogenicimpact (pollution byindustrial, agricultural and municipal effluents), nitrogen, phosphorus, chlorine-containing substances causing fatal mutations and the process of“blooming” ofwater bodies are concentrated in excess in natural water. Manycountries facethe problem of“blooming” of water bodies as a result of intensive growth of blue-green algae. The importance of solving this problem is explained by the fact that the toxins entering water from the biological activity of blue-green algae are verydangerous for human health and other organisms. Scientific literature provides examples ofhuman diseases from using water with a significant amount of cyanobacteria blooms. When “blooming” biomass of blue-green algae accumulates in the coastal part and causes technical difficulties in supplying water to the water supply network, the formation of overseas zones and the death of hydrobionts. Existing methods of combating “blooming” have a number of significant drawbacks, for example, mechanical methods require high financial costs, and chemical ones are environmentally unsafe. The article presents the results of the scientific research of the All-Russian Research Institute of Irrigated Agriculture, Volgograd (Volgograd) on using biotechnology for natural water purification. The experiment on introducing Chlorella vulgaris IGF no. C-111 microalgae into the bays of the Volgograd reservoir was carried out on the basis of preliminary compilation of the hydrological characteristics of the reservoir bays, determination ofhydrobiological and hydrochemical qualities of water. The aim of the work was to substantiate the technologyof introducing Chlorella vulgaris IFR no. C-111 strain into the bays of the Volgograd reservoir and to obtain data confirming the scientific hypothesis - the expediency of using Chlorella vulgaris IFRno. C-111 strain to improve the hydrobiological and hydrochemical composition of natural water.


Water resources, reservoir, eutrophication, methods of water quality assessment, water treatment technology, ecology, blue-green algae, chlorella vulgaris strain, algolization, hydrochemical and hydrobiologicalindicators, regional economic effect, штамм chlorella vulgaris


Короткий адрес:

IDR: 149130105   |   DOI: 10.15688/ek.jvolsu.2019.4.13

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