Статьи журнала - Вестник Южно-Уральского государственного университета. Серия: Экономика и менеджмент

Все статьи: 1536

A review of the development of electronic commerce in Russia and its implications for small businesses

A review of the development of electronic commerce in Russia and its implications for small businesses

Olumekor M., Polbitsyn S.N.

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This article provides a detailed review of the literature on the development of electronic commerce in Russia from its origins in 1997. The article reveals some very important milestones in Russia’s electronic commerce adoption, including the creation of Russia’s first electronic bookstore, the invention of Russia’s first e-payment system, and the start of Russia’s first fully e-commerce store. It also provides an analysis of the initial struggles of electronic commerce in Russia, and how the market has grown to become a 2.7 trillion ruble industry in 2020, making up 21 % of overall Russian retail. The implications of all of these on small businesses was also analyzed.


ABC-costing как новое направление услуг российских консалтинговых компаний: практические аспекты

ABC-costing как новое направление услуг российских консалтинговых компаний: практические аспекты

Просвирина Ирина Игоревна, Закиров Денислам Ринатович

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Процессно-ориентированное управление затратами является наиболее современным и эффективным инструментом, обеспечивающим конкурентоспособность предприятий. Однако его внедрение на российских предприятиях сдерживается, в том числе, слабой проработкой соответствующих методик учета, обеспечивающих менеджмент объективной информацией о затратах. В данной статье представлены результаты применения методики, основанной на использовании счетов 30-39, для предприятия, занимающегося производством мебели.


Abstracts and key words

Abstracts and key words



Abstracts and keywords

Abstracts and keywords



Abstracts and keywords

Abstracts and keywords



Abstracts and keywords

Abstracts and keywords



Abstracts and keywords

Abstracts and keywords



Abstracts and keywords

Abstracts and keywords



Abstracts and keywords

Abstracts and keywords



Abstracts and keywords

Abstracts and keywords



Analysis of factors influencing a brand through reputation and employee satisfaction

Analysis of factors influencing a brand through reputation and employee satisfaction

Almandeel M.A.

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A company’s interest in the role of human resources while building the brand, which is directly related to promoting the company’s reputation when/after being rendered a service, especially increased after administrators’ taking interest in the sphere of employees influence on internal and external environment, as “employees” represent a customer from within the organization. Despite the interest from this point of view, the research shows that many heads still have not understood how to use it to achieve better reputation outcome and, thus, how to gain competitive advantages for their company. The purpose of this article is to analyze the factors that influence a brand through reputation and employee satisfaction with a company’s activity. These factors have always been directly associated with a brand in order to demonstrate a company's successful marketing strategies. Reputation is also tightly connected to the relationships and interactions between the parties involved, namely between the consumers and the company's representatives. These interactions represent customers’ trust and loyalty to the company, caused by such factors.


Analysis on the agent-based Bertrand duopoly game model

Analysis on the agent-based Bertrand duopoly game model

Huang Xian , Hong Jia

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The duopoly market research has a long history. Due to such reasons as material supply, product patent right and concession of the government, development of many economic industries is similar to the process of duopoly. In game theory, the Bertrand model which considers price to be a strategic variable is closer to reality and provides the market with more references, especially for retail market and electricity market, as the competitive world develops. Firstly, we analyze the classical Bertrand model and the Nash equilibrium in the model. Secondly, multi-agent technology is applied and the Bertrand duopoly game bidding process is conducted; meanwhile, in order to help agents find the optimal solutions, genetic algorithm based on multi-agent Bertrand model is chosen as the main algorithm for the research; and we finish with software implementation of the algorithm and with example analysis. In the end, oligopoly market bidding is also modelled in MATLAB simulation, which provides us with more accuracies and flexibilities. It is evidently shown in the model that when none of the two companies are able to meet all the demands in the market, the bigger the price gap, the more oscillated it is in the process; thus, the pure strategic Nash equilibrium doesn’t exist. However, when one of the two can offer the demands independently, Nash equilibrium appears and is shown as the calculated results in Bertrand-Edgeworth model where the equilibrium reaches the cost price. Further, the reason for no pure strategic Nash Equilibrium is also discussed.


COVID-19 and consumer behaviour: a review of recent literature

COVID-19 and consumer behaviour: a review of recent literature

Olumekor M., Polbitsyn S.N.

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COVID-19 has impacted all areas of our lives. It has caused an increase in the mortality and morbidity rates of countries around the world, and an increase in domestic violence and mental health issues, among others. It has also made an unprecedented - and likely lasting - impact on the economy, particularly on the behavior of consumers. This article provides an excellent review of recent data, research and literature into how COVID-19 is contributing to changing consumer habits in Russia and around the world. Among others, our research found a profound shift in the buying habits of Russian customers, who not only shopped online at historic levels, but also significantly increased their online purchases of things like food, drinks, cosmetic products, etc. This article is relevant for entrepreneurs, business leaders, policy makers and everyone seeking to understand the changing preferences of consumers.


Depending on social forces to promote the social security system construction

Depending on social forces to promote the social security system construction

Yuan Peng-Xiang, Li Yue-Qin, Okolnishnikova I.Yu.

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Social security system is a main content and one of the most important symbols for the construction of Chinese modern society, it is a stabilizer for the society development and the key to guarantee the life quality of social members in our country. But with the increasingly prominent problem in the construction and reform of the social security system, it is urgently needed for the innovation of participants to satisfy the current demands for social security system construction, as a new role, social force’s participation is an inevitable trend. Through the interpretation of the concept of social force and social security system, and the relationship between social forces, government and the market, this article points out that the construction of social security system need the participate of social force, and then puts forward six suggestions on how to promote the social security system construction rely on social forces.


Direct vs indirect investments: the implications of a choice for a short-term private investor

Direct vs indirect investments: the implications of a choice for a short-term private investor

Konar A.

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The subject of this article is the implications of a choice between direct and indirect investments for a short-term private investor. The purpose of this article is to produce a review of scientific research, conducted on the topic, and with its help to define short-term private investors’ necessities and to examine money market instruments versus money-market mutual funds as tools for short-term private investors. The conducted analysis of the recent research publications has shown that theshort-term private investors require high liquidity low risk instrument and can tolerate comparatively low returns, and that the best tools for such investments are money market instruments. During the research, we noted the trade-off between the T-bills and commercial papers with regards to risk, liquidity and yield, and considered the benefits of indirect investments via MMMFs; however, we came to the conclusion that the riskiness of such investments outweighs their benefits.


ESG-переход как новая парадигма глобальной экономики и устойчивых финансов

ESG-переход как новая парадигма глобальной экономики и устойчивых финансов

Довбий Ирина Павловна, Кобылякова Влада Валерьевна, Минкин Александр Александрович

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В статье рассматриваются процессы, развивающиеся в глобальной экономике, отражающие переход к экологичности (E), социальной ответственности (S) и качественному корпоративному управлению (G) и означающие трансформацию финансового рынка в формат «устойчивого финансирования». Цель статьи: систематизация представлений относительно содержания ESG-перехода и проблемы устойчивых финансов. В статье рассматривается эволюция ESG, раскрывается сущность ESG-критериев в инвестиционных решениях, анализируются наиболее значимые аспекты, характеризующие влияние ESG-перехода на глобальную экономику и финансы, дана оценка готовности банковского сектора осуществлять деятельность в соответствии с ESG-принципами. Установлено, что меняющаяся парадигма глобальной экономики, фундаментом которой стали «Цели устойчивого развития», климатическая повестка и ESG-переход сформировали новый мегатренд финансовой индустрии - «устойчивые финансы», или финансы нового качества. Тенденции последних лет свидетельствуют о росте финансовых продуктов, отвечающих требованиям ESG-принципов, на которые ориентируются инвесторы. Реакцией на изменение запросов финансового рынка явились следующие процессы: появление нефинансовой отчетности и ESG-рейтингов, характеризующих работу компании над своими экологическими, социальными и управленческими рисками; формирование соответствующих институциональных структур, таких как рейтинговые агентства, экспертно-аналитические платформы, верификаторы и др. Сделан вывод о том, что инвестиции в ESG становятся ведущей формой финансирования для достижения целей устойчивого развития, но отечественный финансовый сектор недостаточно готов к внедрению ESG-принципов


Effect of coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic on marketing mix (4Ps)

Effect of coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic on marketing mix (4Ps)

Ansere Joel Kwame Owusu, Ukhova A.I.

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Considering how the coronavirus pandemic has affected business and social life of all countries of the world, it is necessary to study the extent to which this pandemic has caused damage to businesses. This article studies the effect of the coronavirus pandemic on price, product, place and promotion as these elements form the basis of any marketing mix. In this case, the study highlights how the coronavirus pandemic has caused a rise in prices of some goods termed as the necessities in the period of the pandemic due to limited supply. In addition, the selection of products has shifted to mostly groceries, household supplies, gym equipment, health supplies, sanitizers and face masks, and as a result, these products are the best-selling products during the coronavirus pandemic. Moreover, due to the requirements of social distancing, closure of retail shops and order stay-at-home recommendation to prevent the spread of the virus, consumers have been greatly engaged in online retailing as the most effective and safe means of purchasing during this period. The study also reveals that product and brand promotion is failing as consumers tend to save their money due to the uncertainty of when things are to get back to normal, and this has resulted in the act of ignoring discount coupons by consumers. E-mail marketing is also failing as consumers get bored with the bunch of e-mails they receive from brands, and the only information that seems to catch their attention is the one related to the coronavirus. Marketing agencies have resorted to animation and others for making adverts other than the usual real-life TV adverts and Still cam adverts due to the enforced social distancing requirements to prevent the spread of the virus.


Evolution of behavioral economic theory

Evolution of behavioral economic theory

Rezanovich I., Rezanovich E., Keller A., Savelyeva I.

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The emergence of behavioural economics is associated with desire of the economic theory to find an explanation for the existing paradoxes, which cannot be clarified from the standpoint of the classical economy. To solve this problem, achievements of other sciences and psychology are used. Genesis of behavioural economics is presented in this article. The criterion for distinguishing the stages of its evolution is justified. The periodization has allowed defining influence of appearing theories on development of economic thought. The first stage (propaedeutic stage), directly connected with economic psychology, allowed authors to analyse the theory of expected utility and the theory of subjective expected utility from the psychological point of view. It revealed abnormal facts in the economic behaviour of individuals. The second stage (origin of behavioural economics) is closely connected to A Dynamic Theory of Personality by Kurt Lewin. Precisely at this stage the fundamental scientific schools were formed: a school of Carnegie Mellon University, which studies behaviour of companies in markets, and a Michigan School, which concentrated its attention on the behaviour of consumers. The third stage (formation of behavioural economics) integrated economic theory with cognitive psychology and mathematical psychology. It allowed explaining rational and irrational economic decision-making. The fourth stage (development of behavioural economics) is associated with the application of mathematical tools of game theory in economic theory, particularly in the sections that explain the strategic interaction of economic agents at different levels and in different conditions. The fifth stage (expansion of behavioural economics) is due to the influence of achievements in psychophysiology, neurophysiology, and neurobiology and makes it possible to create a new direction in the behavioural economics - neuroeconomics. The group of authors from South Ural State University is discovering new opportunities in the development of behavioural economics, using the advances in the study of human labour behaviour.


Exporting Iranian pharmaceutical products to Russia's market: potentials and barriers

Exporting Iranian pharmaceutical products to Russia's market: potentials and barriers

Rasoulinezhad E., Rahbari F.

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The pharmaceutical market is one of the most important and lucrative industries in the trade world. The expansion of non-oil exports and shifting away from the mono-product economy and its problems (high volatility in the oil market and, consequently, the country's revenue, as well as the issue of sanctions on Iran's oil sales by the West) have made it inevitable for Iran to expand its export of pharmaceutical products. Meanwhile, the Russian Federation, for historical reasons, has a high potential to become a destination for Iran's pharmaceutical products due to the geographical proximity of the two countries and the possibility of direct shipment of goods to Russia via the Caspian Sea, as well as due to the fact that Russia is a large consuming market with the population of 145 million and high volume of pharmaceutical imports (over $ 10.5 billion in 2018). The article analyzes the pharmaceutical export potential of Iran to the Russian Federation using the indicators of revealed comparative advantage index, cosine index and trade plan index. The findings of this study indicate the high potential of Iranian pharmaceutical products for export to the Russian consuming market and the lack of utilization and the neglect of the Iranian pharmaceutical manufacturers and exporters from the Russian market. As policy implications, the authors recommend making pharmaceutical products a priority for export to the Russian market, which will lead to more efficient use of Iran's productive potential.


Improvement of decision-making in construction through reliable and timely information

Improvement of decision-making in construction through reliable and timely information

Buchal T., Vasilchenko A., Gusev E.

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Construction firms usually perform certain part of production with their own force and the rest is obtained through subcontractors. The operation based methods of project scheduling are currently widespread within sector, whereas, available finance and resources are usually of the highest priority. Thus, multi-objective analysis within scheduling process was addressed throughout the research. Accurate information is the key factor for securing smooth construction execution as the sector is characterized by numerous variations in time. The activities of progress recording and reporting are often carried out as heterogeneous and segregate processes, however, their integration offers significant enhancements. Therefore, KPI based alert system together with standardized information input were suggested.

