Unpredictable creation of theater in the context of evolution theory

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In this paper megalith is shown as a scene of primordial theatrical performances when the struggle for survival has been replaced with the symbolic fight-dance. In order to present the battle between the men and animals as reality, the dancers (men) would have to imitate the shapes and screams of the animals, the actions had at the same time to become intelligible for the spectators, women, who selected the winning men. The real fight however did not take place on the meadows and lawns. It happened in the forests and mountains. Therefore the men dancers’ wearing skins was not sufficient for a plausible reproduction of the battle. So they have used stones and stone combinations for reconstruction of natural reality. Then when their original assignment has been lost and their symbolic sense has become the main, megaliths had been transformed into ziggurats, pyramids and other stone installations. Now they transformed into theaters and stadiums. This evolution is based on the unpredictable differences between the generations.


Civilization, art, lie, violence, natural selection, megaliths, theater

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/14238931

IDR: 14238931

Список литературы Unpredictable creation of theater in the context of evolution theory

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