Translation genius and social networks

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The paper attempts to consider changes in the translator's activity caused by the turn towards digital transformation in the institutional sphere. The analysis is based on material from German social networks, their content being the subject matter for the modern translator who is a specialist in cross-cultural and cross-lingual communication. The studydescribes the algorithm for implementing social management at the macrostructural and compositional levels. The emphasis is also placed on the institutional spheres that are most susceptible to digital transformation, which include nutrition and healthy lifestyle, education and many others. Total digital transformation of these institutional spheres is primarily evidenced by an increase in neologisms recorded in electronic databases, and dictionaries with an indication of their contextual use and their further popularization, first of all, in mass media texts. The results of the analysis lead the authors to conclude that training a new generation of interpreters and translators should include mastering the skill of working with big data, different corpora of texts, neologisms marked by or containing the industry component, as well as the need to develop glossary-type dictionaries for branches of knowledge. Considering the controversial content of social networks, the authors of the paper come to the conclusion that it is necessary to develop the code of ethics for the social networks translator.


Institutional communication, cross-cultural communication, cross-lingual communication, translation theory, translation practice, audiovisual content, digital transformation, social management tool

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IDR: 149137958   |   DOI: 10.15688/jvolsu2.2021.3.5

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