The street art's ability to raise socially significant problems

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The author of the article considers the main current street art’s characteristic which lies in the fact that it might and should address the issues of social, political, philosophical, environmental etc. nature. In particular this main feature is aimed at the engagement of audience, that is city residents, in dialogue. In accordance with this, the author of the article gives some examples of particular street art works, which reflect the described characteristic of this kind of art. In order for illustrative purposes the article presents and analyses famous world and Russian street art pieces. In the consideration of Russian street art works’ content the author concentrates on the pieces of street artists from Yekaterinburg, which is noted for its big amount of original street art works and is recognized as a capital of Russian street art.


Street art, street artists, banksy, yekaterinburg street art, t-radya

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IDR: 147231649   |   DOI: 10.14529/ssh190315

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