The russian language test: towards assessing text comprehension

Автор: Mccarthy Kathryn Soo, Mcnamara Danielle Siobhan, Solnyshkina Marina I., Tarasova Fanuza Kh., Kupriyanov Roman V.

Журнал: Вестник Волгоградского государственного университета. Серия 2: Языкознание @jvolsu-linguistics

Рубрика: Дискуссии

Статья в выпуске: 4 т.18, 2019 года.

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Reading comprehension relies on a variety of complex skills that are not effectively assessed by existing Russian language tests. At the same time, Russian textbooks are criticized both for their low text quality and high text complexity. This study addresses issues of Russian language proficiency and comprehension assessment with the development of the Russian Language Test (RLT) . The RLT was constructed to measure proficiency relevant to textbook comprehension, such as grammar and vocabulary knowledge, establishing propositional meaning and inferencing. Results from this initial study including 81 fifth-grade and 94 ninth-grade students confirm that students struggle with grammatical inferences and identifying the main idea in a text. Additionally, three standardized Russian exams, VPR, OGE, EGE are analyzed, affording an overview of the testing system for the Russian language from the elementary through high school education levels. This study demonstrates promise for the use of the RLT as a language proficiency assessment and provides a broad context for understanding the current state of Russian language tests for native speakers.


Russian language test, comprehension skills, grammar, vocabulary knowledge, gender, age, general knowledge

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IDR: 149130013   |   DOI: 10.15688/jvolsu2.2019.4.18

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