The role of foreign languages in education of future tourism industry employees

Автор: Avagyan Asmik A., Koroliov Alexei V.

Журнал: Сервис plus @servis-plus

Рубрика: Туризм

Статья в выпуске: 3 т.14, 2020 года.

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In terms of ongoing globalization and rapid development of the tourism industry in Russia it is especially important to analyze the role of specific skills required for effective work in the sphere of tourism. One of them is advanced communication skills in foreign languages. The present article aims to analyze the role of foreign languages in training of Bachelor students in tourism and offer possible ways of solving current problems connected with language skills of future tourism industry employees. The importance of this topic is explained by a growing role of foreign languages, especially English, in the professional activity of future tourism industry employees and a lack of language skills required by their prospective employers. Current problems connected with language training of Bachelor students in tourism are analyzed. A multi-faceted role of English as one of the most popular languages in the world is described in application to the tourism industry. The research methodology is confined to assessing the role of foreign languages, especially English, in tourism, as well as identifying current problems in language education of students in tourism which are reflected in recent publications on this topic. It is proved that good knowledge of foreign languages has both universal and professionally-specific advantages, such as a higher probability of job placement and more effective communication with prospective clients. Furthermore, advanced communication skills in foreign languages allow employees to go on individual or incentive tours, improve their knowledge of tourist destinations recommended by them and expand the activity of tourism companies outside our country.


Foreign languages, english, tourism, bachelor students, communication skills

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 140249915   |   DOI: 10.24411/2413-693X-2020-10303

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