The potential of team teaching to enhance teaching-learning process

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Also, a team teaching program must be introduced, when teachers internalize its benefits, when it is not imposed to them, and when they feel that it is necessary for them and to the students they teach. Especially, newly recruited teachers can benefit most from team teaching, when they are attached to veteran teachers: having expertise of teaching for many years.

Proficiency, differentiated instruction, interdisciplinary, interdependence, shared vision, respect for individual differences, conflict-resolution, partnership, cooperation

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IDR: 14822700

Список литературы The potential of team teaching to enhance teaching-learning process

  • Beggs David., III. 1964.Team Teaching: Bold New Venture. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
  • Buckley Francis J.1998. Team Teaching: what, why,and How? Thousand Oaks, A: Sage.
  • Brandenburg R. (1997). Team Wise School of Knowledge: An on line Resource About Team Teaching; On line Available URL: http://www.
  • Davis Harold S.1969.Team Teaching Bibliography. Cleveland, OH: The Educational Research Council of America.
  • Gawel J. (1997) Herzberg's theory of motivation and Maslow's hierarchy of needs.(ERIC Document Reproductive Service No ED 421 486).
  • Maroney S. (1995) Team Teaching. (on-line). Available: http://www. tchg.html(14 October 1999).
  • North Nevada Writing Project Teacher-Researcher Group.(1996). Team Teaching.Peterborough NH: Crystal Spring Books. (on-line) URL: http://www.
  • Quinn S.& Kanter,S. (1984) Team Teaching: An alternative to Lecture Fatigue.(JC 850 005) Paper in abstracts (Eric Document Reproductive Service N0 ED 251 159).
  • Robinson B. & Schaible, R. (1995) Collaborative teaching: Reaping the benefits. College Teaching, 43(2), 57-60.
  • Ramsey B. J. (1999) Cooperative teaching opportunities for Introductory Statistics teachers. Mathematics Teacher,92(8), 734-737).
  • VanVleck J. and Bickford,D.(1997) Reflections on Artful Teaching. Journal of Management Education, November.
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