The great russian revolution and practices of modernization through the prism of “cossack world” development

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Introduction. There is a scientific, theoretical and practical necessity to understand modern phenomena of revolution and modernization. The political analysis of the influence of revolutionary events and modernization changes on the development of the Cossacks, not only as an ethnic community and social group, but as a kind of “world” that is currently undergoing a revival process, is of particular interest. Methods and materials. The paper relies on theoretical conclusions of researchers who specialize in the field of the theory of social change and development, political transitology, global studies, ensuring national and global security. Analysis. This paper presents the scientific analysis of socio-political practices of transformation of the Russian state and society in the historical perspective. The interrelation between the revolutionary events in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century and the contemporary stage of the national modernization are traced. The author interprets the results of a survey devoted to public opinion of Russians regarding the causes and significance of the revolutionary process of 1917. The paper is focused on the correlation between “revolution” and “modernization” phenomena in the context of setting and achieving goals, tasks, using various technologies of social change. Results. The author characterizes the influence of modernization transformations on life activities of the ethnic community- the Cossacks. The article identifies the problematic aspects of the Cossacks' “revival” at the present stage of the socio-political modernization of Russia. The author proposes the integrative concept of the etatist model of the political modernization of Russia considering the parameters of stable and safe development.


Socio-political changes, revolution, modernization, Russia, state, cossacks, ethnic group

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IDR: 149130692   |   DOI: 10.15688/jvolsu4.2019.4.8

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