The connection between the suspension runoff of the Surkhandarya basin rivers and the water flow

Автор: Rakhmonov K.R., Sultashova O.G., Auezov A.S., Abatova N., Xalmuratov B.

Журнал: Экономика и социум @ekonomika-socium

Рубрика: Основной раздел

Статья в выпуске: 6-1 (85), 2021 года.

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The study of water erosion from rivers basin and their formation in the formation of suspended riverbeds is of great scientific and practical importance. Research in this area will allow, firstly, to determine the laws of water erosion and the formation of suspended riverbeds, and secondly, will be important in the practice of irrigation and hydraulic engineering. With this in mind, the issue of in-depth study of the erosion processes in the river basin, to draw appropriate conclusions from it and to develop the necessary recommendations in this regard is very important today.

Water flow, hydrological data, correlation coefficient, water consumption, hydrological post

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 140259516   |   DOI: 10.46566/2225-1545_2021_1_85_226

Список литературы The connection between the suspension runoff of the Surkhandarya basin rivers and the water flow

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