The Beatific Experience of Being: A Phenomenology of The Chakrasamvara Tantra

Автор: Rudolph Bauer

Журнал: Revista Científica Arbitrada de la Fundación MenteClara @fundacionmenteclara

Статья в выпуске: 1, Vol. 5, 2020 года.

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This article is a phenomenological elaboration of the Chakrasamvara Tantra. The Tibetan Chakrasamvara Tantra brings forth a naturalistic understanding of the process of the Embodiment of Being and the process of the invocation of the Bliss of Embodied Being. The Chakrasamvara Tantra, beautifully describes the experience of the Beatific Vision of Being, as well the invocation of the Beatific experience of Being, the Beatific experience of primordial luminous awareness.

Tantra, Chakrasamvara, beatific vision, luminous awareness

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IDR: 170163682   |   DOI: 10.32351/rca.v5.132

Фрагмент статьи The Beatific Experience of Being: A Phenomenology of The Chakrasamvara Tantra


The Chakrasamvara experience of our Beatific Vision and our lived Beatific experience takes place within our life just as it is, and just as we are. The Chakrasamvara Tantra describes the foundational experience of Being and the Univocity of Being through which all hierarchal-ness is deconstructed. Within this deconstruction of hierarchy, a subtle unstructured luminous equality consciousness becomes present. The Univocity of Being means the complete sameness and complete oneness of Being. Human beings can bring forth the experience of the non-duality of equality consciousness within the phenomenological duality of human beings. This Univocal-ness means there is a difference within form, but not within essence, not within Being (Gray, 2007).

The qualities of Being are Spaciousness, Luminosity, Energy, and Knowingness. There are other qualities such a Purity, Compassion, and Self Manifestation. Our focus is on the Quality of Bliss, Beatific Bliss. Bliss is an ontological quality of Being. This ontological quality of Being infuses our personal and collective experience of existence.

The Chakrasamvara Tantra illuminates the Univocity of Being within phenomenological difference. Univocal-ness is a language description of the complete oneness and sameness of Being. Within Being and the self- manifestation of Being, there is a oneness of non-hierarchal existence. The Univocal-ness is equality consciousness and the equal vision of the Beatific-ness of the Purity of Being as beings. In theological language God or Deus is neither above nor below and God is within everything and everyone as the Divinity of Being. God is a Univocal collective experience of Being.

In philosophical language Being is. Being is not a being. But Being self-manifests as all beings and as the Being of all beings. In the language of Dzogchen all phenomena are the Dharmakaya. All phenomena are the Purity of the Dharmakaya. All beings are the self-manifestations of the ground of Being. The ground of Being is the Dharmakaya of Pure Potentiality. There is no ontological difference within the Oneness of the field of Being. There is a difference in form, but not within Being. This is pantheistic experience!

Immanence of Bliss

The Chakrasamvara is a Tantra elaborating within the field of immanence the inherent Bliss of Being and the Bliss within the phenomenological manifestation of Being. The Chakrasamvara Tantra sets forth the immanent path of self- liberation through the experience of the Bliss of Being. Chakrasamvara is a Tantra focused on the intrinsic experience of self-liberation in our life, just as it is and just as we are. The experience of the Bliss of Being is the source of self-liberation.

The Chakrasamvara Tantra is a discourse on and within the field of immanence. In this field of immanence, there is this foundational experience of equality consciousness and equal vision. The field of immanence is the field of Being as Oneness. Within the Chakrasamvara Tantra there is neither above nor below or better or best in this luminous field of the plane of immanence. The plane of immanence is the plane of the field of awareness infinite in its horizons, vast and multidimensional Oneness. The field of primordial awareness is within the immanence of the field of Being. Immanence means the essence of Being is within all phenomena and is within all experience and is completely within the self -manifestation of world. Immanence means within phenomena within us, within life is the luminous spacious field of Being. The field of Being is embodied within us and within the phenomena of the world. There is no beyond within the field of immanence.

The Chakrasamvara Tantra elaborates the Univocity of Being and the naturalistic equality of consciousness of the plane of immanence, the plane of the luminous field of Being. Being is not a being, but Being self-manifests as the Being of all beings.

Transcendental Forms of Liberation and Immanent Forms of Liberation

The foundational transcendental experience of the non-dualistic experience of self- liberation is simply “I Alone Exist”. The foundational immanent experience of the non-dualistic experience of self-liberation within the field of immanence is simply that ‘you and I’ are indivisible within and as the non-dualistic field of Being. Within the field of immanence duality exists within non-duality and within non-duality duality exists. Equality consciousness is the experience of the univocal-ness of Being within the difference of all the forms of Being. Within the duality of beings, there is the non-duality of Being. And within the non-duality of Being, there is the duality of beings. Through our own being, we can experience Being itself. And through the being of another we can experience Being itself. We live in the sea of Being and we are within the sea of Being. We are the sea of Being.

The Bliss of Existence is The Bliss of Being

The Chakrasamvara is the tantra of innate Bliss of existing-ness. This existing-ness goes beyond the formulation of life and death of our singular incarnations. The Chakrasamvara is the tantra of the innate Bliss of Existing-ness. This existing-ness goes beyond the formulation of life and death of our singular incarnations. The Chakrasamvara is the Tantra of the embodiment of Bliss that is the very essence of the sphere of Being. Bliss is the essence of Being. Being is not a being, and Being manifests within us as infinite manifestations of beings, and these beings are the Being-ness of Being itself. Within Being there is only oneness, and the oneness is totally undisturbed by the difference of forms within beings and between beings. We are Being becoming beings who are alive in time and beings who become Being in deathlessness. We appear from Being as beings and we disappear as beings into Being. We re-appear from Being as beings, and again in time and through time we dis-appear back into Being. Being becoming beings is life and beings becoming Being is deathlessness.

Embodiment of Being: Bliss Overcomes Suffering

This Chakrasamvara Tantra is the tantra of the pervasiveness of the Bliss within our human experience of Being-ness, and this bliss overcomes suffering. This bliss is both within the realm of good and evil, and yet beyond the realm of good and evil. This bliss of the Beatific-ness of ontological Being is the Beatific embodiment of our own Being. We embody the Bliss of Being. We embody Being and we are embodied by Being within Being.

The Bliss of embodied human experience is the focus of the Chakrasamvara Tantra. This beatific experience is the bliss of our experience of the unfolding of our ongoing embodied continuity of Being. Our embodiment of Being becomes the medium of the field of Being unfolding within self-liberation. The body is the medium of the field of awareness which is the field of Being. The knowing of Being is awareness. Awareness knows Being and awareness is the knowingness of Being.

This embodiment is the unfolding bringing forth of the luminous subtle sphere of luminous channels and luminous chakras of our Being in our embodiment. The subtle luminous energy field is of central importance within the Chakrasamvara Tantra. Our embodiment of Being is the embodiment of light becoming flesh and flesh becoming enlightened. As we embody the luminous Being of our being, we are simultaneously embodying the light of Being itself. The light of Being is the light of our awareness.

Beatific Vision and Beatific Experience

This beatific experience of Being can be experienced by us in every situation and in every context and in every unfolding event of Being. This beatific experience of Being unfolds both within pleasure as well as within pain. This beatific experience of Being unfolds both within beauty and within terror, within peace and within war, within love and within hate, within perversity and within purity.

A mantra which expresses this tantric dimension of experiencing Being is: Om Ah Hum Bodichitta Maha Suka Jnana Dhatu Ah. Bodhicitta is the Great Compassion. Maha Suka is the Great Bliss which is Compassion, Jnana is Direct Knowing of Being, Dhatu Ah means Direct Knowing of Being in every situation. The Beatific-ness of our luminous embodied experience of pure primordial awareness is the experience of the flesh of the world to use Merleau Ponty’s language describing ontological embodiment (Morris, 2018). Human experience is the intertwining of mind, awareness, embodiment and Being. Human experience is both ontic and ontological to use Heideggerian language. In experience, we experience the phenomena of Being, and the Being of the phenomena (Capobianco, 2014).

The Beatific Field of Being

Beatific experience means Beatific Knowing-ness, Beatific Being-ness and Beatific Radiance. The radiance of Being brings forth the unfolding of the beatific experience of our life just as it is. This beatific vision and experience of beatific -ness is continuously given and open to us within every experience and within all experience. This beatific experience is within the realm of our ongoing continuity of our experience of innate awareness of the field of Being. This beatific realm of human experience is not earned or merited. This beatific realm of experience is given to us. This beatific realm of experience comes with the territory of our manifested nature of Being. Beatific experience is the very nature of human awareness, human gnosis and human jnana. Beatific experience is the Bliss of Being.


Список литературы The Beatific Experience of Being: A Phenomenology of The Chakrasamvara Tantra

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