Статьи журнала - Общество. Среда. Развитие (Terra Humana)

Все статьи: 2211

In memoriam. Сергей Валентинович Рянжин

In memoriam. Сергей Валентинович Рянжин

Мамаев Владимир Олегович



Interkultureller dialog: konzepte und praktische schritte

Interkultureller dialog: konzepte und praktische schritte

Tschernokoshewa Elka

Статья научная

Der Interkulturelle Dialog zeigt eine Perspektive, wie Kultur und Identitдt in Europa im 21. Jahrhundert gelebt und organisiert werden kцnnen. Die Ergebnisse der Studie belegen, dass noch viele Anstrengungen nцtig sind, um dieser Vision Rechnung zu tragen. So haben wir als Motto fьr die Studie die ДuЯerung des дgyptischen Sдngers, Autors und Schauspielers Mohamed Mounir, genommen: „The more we share, the more we have! „Je mehr wir teilen, desto mehr haben wir!


Oil and gas drilling in the Russian Arctic: economic growth, environment and cultural values

Oil and gas drilling in the Russian Arctic: economic growth, environment and cultural values

Dementieva Ekaterina Maksimovna

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In recent years, there has been an increase in global economic and political interest in the Arctic region. The Arctic is a territory where there is a massive drilling of oil and gas wells, but at the same time there is a tendency to protect and protect the region’s ecosystems. The development of oil and gas fields in the Far North of Russia provides indigenous peoples with a financial “airbag” and is an instrument of social transformation. Responsible development and mining of Arctic mineral resources can contribute to the well-being of both the global and regional economies. Given the possible risks, close attention should be paid to protecting the environment of the Arctic, which supports the life of the peoples of the North. The main shelf projects of key oil and gas companies of the Russian Federation are shown, the applied environmental measures are analyzed, the main tools of dialogue with the peoples of the North are studied. The interaction and interdependence of planetary factors such as global climate change, geopolitical development, technological and technological progress, global intercultural development and the socio-economic status of the indigenous peoples of the northern polar region are comprehensively shown.


On swedish culture – a course i have not given

On swedish culture – a course i have not given

Альмен Эдгар

Статья научная

Осень 2013 года оказалась удивительно богата на яркие события в жизни культурологов. Кроме Конгресса и Собрания Научно-образовательного культурологического общества в ноябре в РГПУ им. А.И. Герцена отмечалась еще яркая и «сдвоенная» дата – двадцатилетие кафедры теории и истории культуры и юбилей ее заведующей – доктора искусствоведения, профессора Любови Михайловны Мосоловой. Среди прочих сердечно и тепло поздравили друзья и коллеги из Швеции. В середине 1990-х годов кафедра приняла участие в совместном шведско-российском проекте, призванном не только обогатить опыт преподавателей, но и, в конечном счете, привести к модернизации образовательных систем в гуманитарной сфере обеих стран. Год от года проект разрастался, охватывая как разные ступени образования, так и различные регионы. Учителя школ Санкт-Петербурга, Выборга, Глазова и Моталы (Швеция), преподаватели разных кафедр РГПУ им. А.И. Герцена, университетов шведских городов Йончеппинга и Линчеппинга с невероятным энтузиазмом осваивали инновационные методики и технологии образовательных институций обеих стран. Тогда профессор Эдгар Альмен заведовал кафедрой теологии и религиоведения в Линчеппингском университете и принял самое деятельное участие в реализации проекта. Приведены воспоминания как событий прошлого, дана оценка полученного опыта и произошедших с тех пор изменений в образовании. Проведен сравнительный анализ не только двух образовательных систем, но и двух культур – шведской и российской. Это взгляд на свою родную культуру человека, получившего возможность глубоко погрузиться в культуру соседней страны. Особый интерес представляет тезис, что культурная идентичность, о которой так много говорят в России, – это не что-то застывшее на уровне фольклора и этнического наследия; она может и должна меняться, наполняясь новыми смыслами и содержанием. Только в этом случае возможно обновление и движение вперед.


Public and private regulation of the forestry sector: the cases of the united states and Canada

Public and private regulation of the forestry sector: the cases of the united states and Canada

Hendrik Z. Adriaan Van Der Loos, Alimov Andrey Alekseevich

Статья научная

Public regulation is usually regarded as one of the basic rights of the state. This position goes back to the Westphalian concept of national sovereignty. However, these days we see an increase in supranational and private regulation, which is complemented and thus fills the gaps that exist within the framework of public regulation. The purpose of this article is to highlight two different systems of public forest management in the US and Canada. Based on this analysis of modern transnational and private regulation as a means of supplementing and presenting the meaning of national sovereignty in this article, we propose to consider this regulatory field on this basis. Ultimately, the main points outlined in the present article will be used in considering the issue of the Russian forest sector, as the actor having the largest scale in the modern world forestry.


Public and private regulation of the forestry sector: the cases of the united states and Canada

Public and private regulation of the forestry sector: the cases of the united states and Canada

Looz Hendrik Z. Adriaan Van Der, Alimov Andrey Alekseevich



Recycling. Play, art and life

Recycling. Play, art and life

Marchenko Maria Alexandrovna



Representation of terrorism: dangerous art of mass communication practitioners

Representation of terrorism: dangerous art of mass communication practitioners

Melnikova A.A., Birzhenyuk G.M., Dmitrieva A.A., Solomonova N.A., Uspenskaya A.V.

Статья научная

The predominance of entertainment orientation, which distinguishes the mass media of the era of globalization, as well as the abundance of information channels and the struggle for an audience, lead the media to the need to search for such content that would attract the attention of as many people as possible. One way is to present emotionally exciting, shocking facts, including reports of terrorist acts. Not only the indicated reasons for such a situation are considered, but also the consequences of it, and the phenomenon of cyberjihad, or digital jihad (the use of the Internet to change attitudes towards terrorist attacks, and also as a way to recruit new members of terrorist organizations) is analyzed. The exploitation of Internet sites by terrorists is fraught with danger and makes it increasingly relevant to study the means of counteracting this activity.


Russia and the west: from the new international order to a greeping versailles

Russia and the west: from the new international order to a greeping versailles

Derobertis Anton Giulio

Статья научная

The possibility of changing the oral international agreements achieved after the Cold War that were supposed to eliminate a slightly possibility of martial conflicts appearance is viewed in the article. The agreements were changed to the use of power politics. The priority of the national objectives came to the first plan. It is said about the Russia's desire to recuperate its empire in order to eliminate the possibility for its former members to become a place for location of military bases and consequently of attacs to Russia.


Russian-Serbian relations - challenges and perspectives

Russian-Serbian relations - challenges and perspectives

Alimov Andrew Alekseevich, Filipovi Aleksa

Статья научная

In the past 17 years, Serbia's foreign and defense policy has radically turned to the EU and NATO. Despite this, each new pro-Western government tried to maintain good relations with both Russia and China. Given the prevailing positive attitude of the peoples of Serbia towards Russia, the rejection of the traditionally friendly Russian-Serbian relations was not at all the right choice of the pro-European political elite of the country, which happened after the “5th October Revolution” in Serbia in 2000. An analysis is made of the state of the economy of Serbia, as well as its foreign and national security policies in early 2017, in order to understand the decisions that are currently being made by Serbian political leaders regarding the EU, NATO and Russia. During the analysis, not only the latest statistical data were used, but also materials obtained from the Serbian (regional) media, which made it possible to obtain more meaningful information in the field of the political and economic development of the country. A brief historical review of the formation of the Serbian state and Russian-Serbian relations, from the XIX to the beginning of the twentieth century. Therefore, in order to help the reader understand modern Russian-Serbian relations, the historical context of the formation of the ties and relations that take place between Russia and Serbia is presented. The authors mainly used Serbian and English-language literature, poorly represented in the Russian Federation.


Social psychology analysis and countermeasures on Chinese regional conflicts during COVID-19 pandemic

Social psychology analysis and countermeasures on Chinese regional conflicts during COVID-19 pandemic

Shi Ran, Du Yalun

Статья научная

Since the outbreak of Covid-19 in late 2019, regional conflicts have increased in China, threatening social stability and harmony. Based on the analysis and socio-psychological research, the article focuses on the socio-psychological roots of regional conflicts against the backdrop of a serious epidemic situation. As a result of the study, it was found that cognitive deviations among the masses are the starting point of regional conflicts, dissatisfaction with social expectations is a necessary condition for the emergence of regional conflicts, and a sense of imbalance and relative deprivation are the psychological dynamic mechanism of regional conflict. The activity mechanism of social mentality is undergoing its transformation on the basis of individual psychology through self-categorization, depersonalization and emotional infection, etc. When extreme events occur, the social mentality gets a new impetus to strengthen, and regional conflicts become inevitable. Therefore, when searching for effective countermeasures, it is necessary to start with an investigation of the essence of a social problem, carefully analyzing the problem from different points of view.


The October revolution and its consequences

The October revolution and its consequences

Lane David

Статья научная

Four aspects of the socialist revolutions studied in the context of the October revolution are outlined in general terms: the dynamics of a political uprising; rebel policies and the institutions and interests that determined their policies; successes and failures of revolutionary events; counterrevolution, which dismantled the socialist system. In view of the absence of revolutions in the industrialized countries of Europe, the Bolsheviks were faced with the task of building socialism under adverse conditions. Significant progress was made in economic planning, which was the basis of industrialization, urbanization and the formation of a socialist welfare state. Important advances have been made in reducing inequality; at the same time, repression, discrimination and the like, which took shape in the system, continued in various forms. These events have led to a significant international impact. Are disputes going on, has the socialist system collapsed or was it deliberately dismantled? The strengthening of internal class contradictions, supported by external destabilizing forces, created the conditions for the dismantling of the socialist system.


The accounting archive of Fiorentine bank of uzzano (1363–1386) in saint-Petersburg

The accounting archive of Fiorentine bank of uzzano (1363–1386) in saint-Petersburg

Малькова Татьяна Николаевна

Статья научная

Архив банка Уццано (Uzzano) представляет колоссальную ценность, он востребован для научных исследований по истории бухгалтерского учета и финансового анализа, в связи с чем актуальны его современное издание и бухгалтерский анализ. Статья была опубликована в журнале «Rivista di contabilitб e Cultura Aziendale» (2011, № 2) и посвящалась году Италии в России (2011). Статья публикуется вновь (c некоторыми сокращениями и поправками) для популяризации уникального итальянского бухгалтерского архива (1363–1386) – единственного в России.


The doubling plan of china’s national income in 2010–2020: a tentative study on the sustainability of economic growth

The doubling plan of china’s national income in 2010–2020: a tentative study on the sustainability of economic growth

Liu Chengli

Статья научная

В докладе на 18-м национальном съезде КПК была предложена цель построения к 2020 году среднезажиточного общества, для чего в Китае предполагается удвоить ВВП и доходы на душу населения для городских и сельских жителей по сравнению с 2010 годом. Обсуждаются возможности достижения этой цели с точки зрения перспектив политической и экономической систем, их адаптируемости, внутреннего спроса, с учетом ограничений для хода экономического развития, связанных с окружающей средой, населением и неравенством доходов. Автор полагает, что для того, чтобы экономический рост мог быть удвоен количественно и улучшен качественно, необходимо усилить реформы политической, экономической и социальной систем, несмотря на потенциальные институциональные преимущества и наличие устойчивого экономического роста в Китае.


The financial crisis of 2008-2013: starkly different economic, social and political scenarios in the usa and europe. Why? And what lessons can be drawn?

The financial crisis of 2008-2013: starkly different economic, social and political scenarios in the usa and europe. Why? And what lessons can be drawn?

Doctorow Gilbert

Статья научная

Рассматриваются экономические, социальные и политические последствия глобального финансового кризиса 2008–2013 гг. в США и Европейском Союзе. Анализируется влияние глобального экономического кризиса на стабильность и жизнеспособность хозяйственной системы ЕС. Рассматривается разница в восприятии этих последствий политической элитой США и ЕС и в сценариях осуществления экономической политики выхода из кризиса.

