Strategic importance and prospects of development institutes in the Russian economy

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The article studies the modern directions and the approaches in the analysis of the development institutes. The importance of the specification of the role of the development institutes and the growth of their efficiency is determined by new strategic priorities of social, economic and regional development in the Russian economy. The assessment of the functions and the activity of the existing development institutes is expected to be carried out from the point of view of spatial development, social and economic leveling, decentralization of management. In the paper the notion of the development institutes in the context of contemporary research is specified. Their strategic importance in the economic, industrial and regional development is emphasized. Within the goal of research the main problems of the functioning development institutes the directions of their modernization and improvement are defined. The measures and mechanisms of regional policy implementation on the basis of the development institutes activity in the Russian agriculture are analyzed...


Institutes of development, regional development, modernization, tools of development, regional economy, regional management, effectiveness

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 149131264   |   DOI: 10.15688/re.volsu.2018.3.4

Список литературы Strategic importance and prospects of development institutes in the Russian economy

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