Stylistic description of vocabulary from the subject area “Informatics. Computing technology. Information technology” in ex planatory dictionaries

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The article discusses the problems associated with selecting lexical units from the subject area of informatics, computing technology and information technology for a general explanatory dictionary of the modern Russian language. The selection is based on the following linguistic criteria: phonetic and graphic incorporation of the word into ordinary discourse, grammatical form of the term, and its inclusion in word-formation series as a motivating word. Besides, the functioning of a word in Russian text corpora is taken into account - namely, its usage in everyday interaction and fiction or media texts, which demonstrates that the word is known to and used by both computer technology professionals and ordinary people. Therefore, the term should be a matter of ordinary usage to be included into an explanatory dictionary of literary language. The article discusses the principles for presenting information about the stylistic features of this category of vocabulary in explanatory dictionaries through the use of various stylistic labels, notes, comments and their combinations. It also gives particular examples of dictionary entries that illustrate the practical application of such principles.


Lexicography, explanatory dictionary, informatics, computing technology, information technology, stylistics, stylistic label

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IDR: 147234610   |   DOI: 10.15393/

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