State apparatus in the Kirghiz Khaganate

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In this article are being observed the role and the meaning, and the structure of the state's structure during the Kirghiz Khaganate. The state's governmental structure plays a great role in the the implementation of state power and its functionality which can determine the level of society development. In the historical science there is no ambiguous assessment of the history of the Kirghiz Republic state's administration. Some historians are hesitating question on the Chinese authors' reports on the structure of power in the Kirghiz state. However, the results of comparison the Chinese sources with the materials of Yenisei runic writing make it possible to assess positively the presence of public administration in the Kirghiz Kaganate. The apparatus of the Kirghiz Kaganate state administration was created by analogy Tang China, but at the same time there are some features in the structure and titles of power. Apparently, this moment contains the result of adaptation of the foreign origin power organization to local conditions.


Kirgiz, kirgiz khanate, tang china, state administration, government, qaghan, van, total, minister, title

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IDR: 14952010   |   DOI: 10.17748/2075-9908-2018-10-2/2-28-33

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