Specific features of lettered words’ integration in the graphic, phonetic and grammatical aspects of the Chinese language

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This paper is devoted to the specific features of lettered words’ integration in the graphic, phonetic and grammatical aspects of the Chinese language. The author has analyzed a number of local and foreign studies, covering the main patterns of the lettered words’ integration. Based on Liu Yongquan’s studies, it was concluded that it’s important to strictly follow letters’ case. The case difference can distinguish semantics of different lettered words. Native Chinese speakers with high linguistic competence are able to recognize various lettered words in print, but they may not know how to read them out loud. Therefore, the pronunciation of lettered words is associated with a number of issues: the choice of pronunciation standard, the differentiation of initialisms and acronyms, the choice which syllable to stress. Based on the results of previous research, different ways of how borrowed lettered words respond to the grammatical norms of the Chinese language were identified. The empirical analysis was performed with lettered words extracted by the method of continuous sampling from lexicographic sources. Using the cases described in the paper, the author has proved that in addition to such word-formation processes as compounding, semi-affixation, syntactic and morphological transposition, lettered words can also be formed and transformed with morphological contraction.


Chinese, lettered words, abbreviations, initialisms, chinese hybrid words, assimilations, word-formation

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/149137923

IDR: 149137923   |   DOI: 10.15688/jvolsu2.2021.1.9

Список литературы Specific features of lettered words’ integration in the graphic, phonetic and grammatical aspects of the Chinese language

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