Current trends and approaches to development children's and youth sports

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The analysis of the current regulatory documents shows the high priority given by the state to improving the effectiveness of training activities at all stages of sports training. Features of the organization of the training process requires constant monitoring of the achieved parameters of the sports form. It should be noted that a significant number of trainers are less motivated to improve the quality of their professional activities. Early sports specialization, which is characteristic of the current development of children's and youth sports, clearly contradicts the pace of psychological and physical development of children and adolescents. This radically affects the entire structure of training, leading to the use of approaches that are typical for adult athletes, but adversely affect the fragile body of children. The goal is to determine current trends in the development of children's and youth sports. The research methods used were the analysis of normative-legal and scientific-methodical literature, pedagogical observation, pedagogical experiment, pedagogical testing, methods of mathematical statistics. Research results: the article provides a list of trends in the development of children's and youth sports and gives their characteristics, discusses the reasons for the current situation and possible solutions. The identification of key areas of development of children's and youth sports, covering a significant time period in which the formation and development of the athlete's potential takes place, is a necessary condition for rational planning of training and competitive load throughout his entire sports career. Conclusion. The constant increase in competition on the world stage leads to increased requirements for the level of fitness of athletes at all stages of the multi-year training process. Understanding the current mechanisms and conditions that determine the achievement of sports results in young athletes is the basis for effective management of sports training.


Performance, factors, management activity, evaluation criteria

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IDR: 142234228

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