Correlation of law and morality in the activity of a modern judge

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Purpose: To consider current issues of professional ethics of Russian judges. To identify the interests of sustainable development of Russia related to the strengthening of the role of moral and ethical components in the activities of modern judges. Methodology: Methods of structural and functional analysis, system method, formal and legal method, method of studying documents, method of included observation were used. Results: In all areas of legal activity, there is a restructuring and reinterpretation of many existing, traditional elements of legal proceedings, which are associated with a lot of moral problems. These include the system of interrelationship between impartial justice and professional ethics rules. The classic model of judicial ethics is beginning to be supplemented with new elements, mechanisms, and concepts. From a philosophical point of view, the concept of morality is interpreted as a form of social consciousness, representing a system of moral norms and rules. Of course, the authority of the Law depends directly on those people who represent professionalism and morality. These circumstances currently require increased attention to the formation of personality. Today, no one needs to be convinced that there is a crisis in the moral foundations of modern Russian society and its interconnected legal institutions. This explains the close attention to the activities of the courts, since they affect the interests of all its members in one way or another, and their results directly affect the security of the individual, society and the state, the realization of rights, freedoms and legitimate interests. In this context, the identified cases of corruption, conflicts of interest, other violations of legislation and ethical requirements on the part of individual representatives of the judicial community are quite serious. Attention to them from the population includes primarily law enforcement practice, requires the activation of special commissions to review violations of judicial ethics. The response measures allow us to hope that difficulties in this area will be effectively overcome in the foreseeable future. This will make it possible to fully assert the high and unquestionable authority of judges, as well as their crucial role in society and the state. Novelty/originality/value: The article has a scientific value, since the authors attempted to show the vectors and possibilities of combining new trends in the development of professional ethics of judges with the conceptual and practical aspects of the formation of the functional purpose of the judiciary. New tendencies, in varying degrees, were developed in the twenty-first century, must be considered when designing and implementing the integration model of sustainable development of Russia, which is directly linked to strengthening the moral and ethical components of modern judges, given their special role in the legal system and in society in general.


Court, judge, judicial power, ethics, morality, responsibility

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IDR: 140250443

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