Content of mesocycle of speed-power direction in the structure of special preparatory stage of polyathlonists of training groups

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Currently in sports practice of polyathlon the traditional program of a one-year training cycle is used. However, this sport has its own specific features, due to the inclusion of five sports disciplines in this multidiscipline event, requiring the improvement of relevant physical qualities of an athlete. This problem needs justification for the inclusion of a mesocycle of speed-power direction into the structural elements of a one-year training cycle for polyathlon training groups. The main objective of such a mesocycle is to increase the level of speed-strength preparedness of athletes that in accordance with the standard for the sport polyathlon reflects the development of one of the main qualities of an athlete in this sport. However, any evidence-based recommendations on the optimal construction of mesocycles of a special preparatory stage for the training of polyathletes of training groups were not found.The purpose of the study is to determine the effectiveness of construction and content of a mesocycle of speed-power direction in the structure of special preparatory stage of polyathlonists of training groups.In this work, the methods of questioning, analysis of scientific and methodological literature, pedagogical testing, pedagogical experiment and mathematical statistics have been used. 50 polyathlon athletes of training groups aged 12-16 years took part in the study during 8 weeks.The article presents the results of the analysis of training loads by their volume and intensity, the dynamics of physical preparedness of polyathletes of three age groups - 12-13, 14-15 and 16 years as part of the implementation of a mesocycle of a special preparatory stage for the training of polyathletes of training groups. It was found that the reliable dynamics of indicators by the end of the mesocycle had been observed in more tests of athletes of the experimental groups than of the control ones. The results obtained conferm the implementation of the main tasks of the speed-power mesocycle, which is reflected in the increase of speed-strength abilities and sports performance of polyathletes of experimental training groups.


Polyathlon, training groups, federal standard of sports training, physical preparedness, annual cycle, special preparatory stage, mesocycle

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IDR: 142225864

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