Content of sports selection methods of young football players at the stages of continuing long-term preparation in Palestine

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The article shows that in the context of Palestine the efficiency of the process of young players training is determined by the state of the material and technical base for training, the composition of the coaching staff, their qualifications, training methods and the players selection at the stages of continuous long-term preparation. Therefore, one of the promising ways to solve this problem is to improve the quality of sports selection during continuous long-term training on the basis of integrating physical development, physical fitness, the functional state of the major body systems and competitive activities. Solving this problem will improve the quality of training groups recruitment at different stages of continuous long-term training, and reduce the probability of making erroneous decisions by trainers on the content of the process of preparation of young Palestinian soccer players in relation to their functional state of the main body systems, the level of physical fitness and physical development. In connection with this, the aim of the study was to develop techniques and rationale sports selection of young players on the basis of integrating informative criteria of the physical state and preparedness of athletes in the determination of the individual integrated assessment of their prospects at the stages of continuous long-term training in conditions of Palestine. It was established the system model of sports selection of young athletes in the process of continuous long-term preparation, identified informative criteria of physical development for each age group, the functional state of the main systems of the body, physical fitness and competitive activities of young Palestinian footballers. It was also developed multistage technology of calculating the integral index of prospects based on integrating informative indicators of physical development, physical fitness, the functional state of the major body systems and competitive activity that allows you to objectively assess the degree of individual expediency of attracting young athletes to further improve in football.


Young palestinian footballers, informativeness, criteria, methods, selection, long-term preparation, integrated index, technique, index of prospects

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IDR: 14263903

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