Sociolinguistic monitoring of word usage frequency of youth sociolect

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The current paper describes the lexical units ofyouth sociolect and is aimed at monitoring youth speech. Special attention is given to heterogeneous social factors that influence the word usage in youth sociolect and involve micro-and macrosociolinguistic pilot projects on frequency occurrence of English words in a multicultural society. Miscrosociolinguistic analysis was focused on societal and gender differences in youth sociolect. The initial stage of the macrosociolinguistic monitoring included the questionnaire development, setting the boundaries of a sociolinguistic survey and the number of lexical items under consideration. The second step in the project was monitoring itself. Finally, the results of the monitoring were analyzed. The studywas carried out through an online questionnaire, face-to-face and remote interviewing, with native English speakers and speakers ofother languages from different countries and regions. The monitoring of usage frequency demonstrated that a limited number of English lexical units are used in interpersonal and professional communication; the other part of words presents a diverse picture. The respondents involved in professional activity tend to demonstrate more tolerance to the youth sociolect than ordinary people. The analysis proved the point about the heterogeneous character of sociolect usage by youth and its dependence on the sphere of communication.


Youth sociolect, micro- and macrosociolinguistic monitoring, frequency of word use, individual factors, social factors

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IDR: 149131574   |   DOI: 10.15688/jvolsu2.2020.4.11

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