Sky-CNN: a CNN-based learning approach for skyline scene understanding

Автор: Ameni Sassi, Wael Ouarda, Chokri Ben Amar, Serge Miguet

Журнал: International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications @ijisa

Статья в выпуске: 4 vol.11, 2019 года.

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Skyline scenes are a scientific matter of interest for some geographers and urbanists. These scenes have not been well-handled in computer vision tasks. Understanding the context of a skyline scene could refer to approaches based on hand-crafted features combined with linear classifiers; which are somewhat side-lined in favor of the Convolutional Neural Networks based approaches. In this paper, we proposed a new CNN learning approach to categorize skyline scenes. The proposed model requires a pre-processing step enhancing the deep-learned features and the training time. To evaluate our suggested system; we constructed the SKYLINEScene database. This new DB contains 2000 images of urban and rural landscape scenes with a skyline view. In order to examine the performance of our Sky-CNN system, many fair comparisons were carried out using well-known CNN architectures and the SKYLINEScene DB for tests. Our approach shows it robustness in Skyline context understanding and outperforms the hand-crafted approaches based on global and local features.


Convolutional Neural Network, deep learning, scene categorization, skyline, features representation, deep learned features

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IDR: 15016584   |   DOI: 10.5815/ijisa.2019.04.02

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