"Single window" is the locomotive of the process of managing the procedures of international cargo transportation

Автор: Mustanov O.G., Sarvirova N.S., Samatov G.A., Samatov U.G.

Журнал: Экономика и социум @ekonomika-socium

Рубрика: Современные технологии управления организацией

Статья в выпуске: 4-3 (95), 2022 года.

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The article is devoted to the problem of preparation and presentation of a significant amount of information for export, import and transit traffic. The “single window" procedure is indicated. Representing the practical application of the concept of taming information flows. The analysis of the main models of approaches to the creation of a “single window" is carried out. The GHS system. Benefits for the state from the introduction of a “single window". Benefits for trade.

"single window", models of the approach to the chosen concept, the ghs system, benefits for the state and trade

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/140291863

IDR: 140291863

Список литературы "Single window" is the locomotive of the process of managing the procedures of international cargo transportation

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  • The state of development of the "single window" mechanism in the system of regulation of foreign economic activity in the member states of the Eurasian Economic Union, Moscow 2017 (electronic resource http://www.eurasiancommission.org/ru/act/tam_sotr/edinoe_okno/Documents/Sbor_EEK_2017.pdf).
  • Human resource management in logistics systems of multinational companies (electronic resource https://studbooks.net/1394042/menedzhment/analiz_deyatelnosti_logisticheskih_sistem_sfere_upravleniya_chelovecheskimi_resursami#google_vignette).
  • Cost optimization for cargo transportation logistics (electronic resource https://atlaschain.ru/optimizacziya-zatrat-dlya-logistiki-gruzoperevozok /).
  • Customs gives the go-ahead: how to increase the export of Uzbek agricultural products to the Russian Federation (electronic resource https://uz.sputniknews.ru/20191206/Tamozhnya-daet-dobro-kak-uvelichit-eksport-uzbekskoy-selzproduktsii-v-RF-12961298.html).
  • TMS - transportation management system (electronic resource https://www.generixgroup.com/ru/blog/tms-sistema-upravleniya-perevozkami).
  • Logistics in the innovative economy (electronic resource https://docplayer.com/59154089-Logistika-v-innovacionnoy-ekonomike.html).
  • Dybskaya, V.V. Logistics in 2 hours Part 1: textbook for undergraduate and graduate studies / V.V. Dybskaya, V.I. Sergeev, under the general editorship of V.I. Sergeev. - Moscow: Yurayt Publishing House, 2019. - 317 p. (electronic resource https://studme.org/286407/logistika/sistemy_avtomatizatsii_upravleniya_transportirovkoy).
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