Selfie sign language recognition with convolutional neural networks

Автор: P.V.V. Kishore, G. Anantha Rao, E. Kiran Kumar, M. Teja Kiran Kumar, D. Anil Kumar

Журнал: International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications @ijisa

Статья в выпуске: 10 vol.10, 2018 года.

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Extraction of complex head and hand movements along with their constantly changing shapes for recognition of sign language is considered a difficult problem in computer vision. This paper proposes the recognition of Indian sign language gestures using a powerful artificial intelligence tool, convolutional neural networks (CNN). Selfie mode continuous sign language video is the capture method used in this work, where a hearing-impaired person can operate the Sign language recognition (SLR) mobile application independently. Due to non-availability of datasets on mobile selfie sign language, we initiated to create the dataset with five different subjects performing 200 signs in 5 different viewing angles under various background environments. Each sign occupied for 60 frames or images in a video. CNN training is performed with 3 different sample sizes, each consisting of multiple sets of subjects and viewing angles. The remaining 2 samples are used for testing the trained CNN. Different CNN architectures were designed and tested with our selfie sign language data to obtain better accuracy in recognition. We achieved 92.88 % recognition rate compared to other classifier models reported on the same dataset.


Selfie sign language, Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN), Stochastic pooling, Sign language recognition (SLR), Deep learning

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 15016536   |   DOI: 10.5815/ijisa.2018.10.07

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