“The Russian messenger” of S. N. Glinka

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The article is devoted to “The Russian Messenger”, published by Sergey Nikolayevich Glinka in 1808-1824. The magazine was inspired by presentiment of the great war between Russia and France and analyzing the basic questions of Russian conservative thought of the first quarter of 19th century — criticism of Gallomania, importance of Russian historical tradition and patriotism. Glinka considered Russian historical experience with his monarchism, Orthodoxy, patriarchy and hierarchy of social relations as an example for the future development of Russian state and society. The quintessence of ancestral morality “The Russian Messenger” saw in a triune formula “God. Religion. Fatherland”. This formula certainly was one of the first step to creation of the famous S. S. Uvarov’s theory “Orthodoxy. Autocracy. Nationality”. The magazine’s historical conception influenced on a patriotic historiography of the Nicolas’s I reign, especially on M. P. Pogodin. Created in “The Russian Messenger” patriarchal socio-political model related to the same of K. P. Pobedonostsev. The importance of S. N. Glinka’s magazine for his own epoch was in preparing Russian national identity and social opinion to the War for Fatherland of 1812.


“Russian Messenger”, S. N. Glinka, Russian conservatism of the first quarter of 19th century, patriotism, monarchism, Orthodoxy, patriarchal socio-political model, Alexander I, Napoleon, Patriotic War 1812

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/140240266

IDR: 140240266   |   DOI: 10.24411/2588-0276-2019-10018

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