The role of physical training in educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

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This article reveals the role and importance of physical training in educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Physical training is of great importance in the life of cadets and students of the Ministry of Internal Affairs system. Physical training, as a specialized pedagogical system, should have a clearly defined goal and specific tasks that determine the ways to achieve this goal. Physical training is actually a complex, psychological and pedagogical process that aims to form the physical culture of the cadet's personality. And special physical training is one of the aspects of physical education, specialized in relation to the peculiarities of any activity of employees. «Physical training» and «physical education» for the internal affairs bodies is an important component in the professional training of employees. Almost any employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia can find himself in extreme conditions, in conditions associated with a risk to life and health, and he will need selfdefense skills and a number of other physical qualities and skills.


Physical training, the role of physical training of employees, gloas and objectives of physical training

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