Advanced use of coenzyme Q10 in patients with cardiovascular diseases

Автор: Martynov A.I., Gorohovskaya G.N., Yun V.L., Barvinskiy A.A., Petina M.M.

Журнал: Евразийский кардиологический журнал @eurasian-cardiology-journal

Рубрика: Оригинальные статьи

Статья в выпуске: 1, 2013 года.

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This report examines interest in compounds that normally prevent the toxic effects of ROS -antioxidants, namely reduced ubiquinone, which is only lipid soluble antioxidant synthesized in cells of animals and humans, and continuously recovered from oxidized form by enzyme systems of the body, to possibilities of the use of coenzyme Q10 in cardiovascular diseases, has a beneficial therapeutic effect on the body, resulting in improvement of the cardiovascular, immune system, significant improvement in rehabilitation period, a significant increase in body energy, the use of coenzyme Q10, including in pediatric cardiology and study its effectiveness in primary and secondary mitochondrial defects as a means of adjuvant therapy of diseases and pathological conditions, as vegetative dystonia, diabetic kardioneyropatiya, myocardial dystrophy, hypertension, metabolic syndrome, cardiomyopathy posthypoxic newborn, chronic pulmonary heart, hyperlipidemia, the recovery period after cardiac correction of congenital heart disease, minimally invasive correction of arrhythmias and pacemaker implantation, etc. reperfusion syndrome, ischemia, hypertension, heart disease, aging, childhood.


Коэнзим q10, coenzyme q10, ubiquinone, antioxidant, atherosclerosis, myocardial infarction

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 14342729

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