Psychological predictors of mental health problems in spouses in the situation of divorce

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Objective: to reveal psychological predictors of mental health problems in spouses in the situation of divorce. Materials: study sample included (by random method) 125 women (mean age 29±5.14 years) and 130 men (35±3.74 years) who filed for a divorce: group 1 - motivation of marriage of convenience, group 2 - motivation of love match. Methods: MMPI, Tomsk Rigidity Questionnaire by Zalevsky, Neurotic Disorders Questionnaire, Social-Role Adequacy Questionnaire, Role Expectations and Claims in the Marriage Questionnaire, Self-Organizing Activity Questionnaire and method of mathematical statistics. Results: The results of the study testified to not realized social- role expectations, reduction in the social- role functioning, strengthening neurotic and psychosomatic manifestations and mental rigidity, significant differences in self-organizing activity. Conclusion. Psychological predictors (disturbances of multimodal mental state, strengthening mental rigidity, subjective evaluation of mental and psychosomatic health, distortion of social- role functioning, dissatisfied expectations from the marriage, insufficiency of self-organisation) determined crisis experience of divorce by spouses and were a risk factor for mental health problems. Statistically significant differences in the ideas of spouses about health problems were identified. The level of neurotic manifestations was higher in women, of psychosomatic ones - in men. A high level of neurotic triad was revealed in souses of both sexes with motivation of love match. An increase in the values of the scales of relevant, sensitive and attitudinal rigidity in spouses of the total sample was a risk factor for strengthening crisis experience and contributed to mental health problems.


Alcohol dependence, anosognosia, female alcoholism, personalized therapy targets, therapy efficiency evaluation

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 14296009

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