Psychological mechanisms of personal professionally-moral deformation: revealing and assessment (exemplified by law enforcement psychologists)

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Introduction. The author substantiates the model to reveal and assess the mechanisms of law enforcement officers’ personal professionally-moral deformation. The model is represented as a reciprocal interrelation of such psychological mechanisms as “professional burnout”, “moral disengagement”, “reflexivity”. Materials and Methods. The empirical basis included 80 psychologists from law enforcement agencies with different work experience. The methodics used in the research involves A. B. Karpov’s questionnaire on diagnostics of the level of reflexivity; MBI questionnaire on burnout adapted by N. E. Vodopyanova; the C. Moore MD-8 scale of moral disengagement adapted by Ya. A. Ledovaya etc. The data was processed via SPSS-22 as a comparative correlation research of independent samples, Student t-criteria, Kruskal-Wallis H-criteria and F-criteria being employed for independent samples. Results and Discussion. The author reveals the differences in deformations according to the term of service in law enforcement agencies: emotional exhaustion (р


Moral disengagement, professional burnout, professionally-moral deformation, psychological mechanisms, reflexivity, management according to the weak signals

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IDR: 149125095   |   DOI: 10.24411/1999-6241-2020-14001

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