Properties of tungsten wire in powder metallurgical processing with ultrafine powder

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The paper presents the results of the investigation of properties of the tungsten wire obtained from powders with particle sizes from 1 to 5 μm with the addition of ultrafine powders with particle sizes of less than 0.5 μm produced by the reduction of hydrogen plasma at a high temperature. Different compositions of mixtures were studied and a new optimal composition was developed. Methods of its compressing and presintering of bars were also developed. The results showed that mechanical and performance properties of the wire with a new composition have higher stability compared to the properties of the wire obtained by the standard technology. They allowed: - to lower the creep for the wire with the diameter of 1250 μm, - to achieve a stapel structure for the wire with the diameter of 650-1450 μm; - to improve the spiralability of the wire; - to increase the good-to-bad yield to 3.79 % for the wire with the diameter of 120 μm.


Sintering, ultrafine powder, wire, properties

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 147157032   |   DOI: 10.14529/met160317

Список литературы Properties of tungsten wire in powder metallurgical processing with ultrafine powder

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