Signs of a subject to reduction in worthlessness of vehicles or means of communication under the Criminal Code of the Republic of Abkhazia

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Purpose: To consider the main signs of an object of crime - reduction in worthlessness of vehicles or means of communication under the Criminal code of the Republic of Abkhazia. Methodology: Private and scientific methods of knowledge were used: formal-legal, comparative-legal, historical, system analysis and others. Results: The author drew a conclusion that as direct subject to reduction in worthlessness of vehicles or means of communication it is necessary to consider the relations of safety of the state in the sphere of ensuring transport transportations. As a result, by the legal nature this crime belongs not to crimes against traffic safety and operation of transport, and to crimes against bases of the constitutional system and safety of the state. Novelty/originality/value: Article contains a number of the author’s conclusions and generalizations important for jurisprudence and practice.


Короткий адрес:

IDR: 140225195

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