Sexual assault as latent delinquency: formation and ways of minimization

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Introduction: the article investigates latence as a hidden part of crime in general, and sexual crime as one of the most highly latent types of this phenomenon. Materials and Methods: the author uses logical, systematic and structural, and statistical methods. The materials of the study are the norms of the criminal legislation of the Russian Federation, domestic and foreign scientific literature. Results: the article considers the concept of latence and its types; formulates factors of latence of crime and factors that contribute to latence of so-called sexual offences; prevention of the delinquency on two levels: general prevention of the delinquency and warning of latence of certain types of crimes (sex crimes). Discussion and Conclusions: the factors contributing to the latence of sexual crimes are: the desire of victims to hide the facts of the crimes against them; absence of obvious traces of sexual crimes; a relationship between perpetrator and victim; criminal procedural features of production on this category of crimes (initiation of criminal case is possible only on the statement), etc. The main measures to prevent the latence of sexual crime include: - creation of favorable conditions for testimony of victims of sexual crimes and their further protection; - check of appeals to gynecology hospital of victims with signs of violence; - establishment of helplines through which victims of violence can receive appropriate psychological assistance.


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IDR: 142223029   |   DOI: 10.24420/KUI.2019.77.52.005

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