Marriage with the victim as grounds for exemption from punishment for sexual intercourse with a person under sixteen years of age

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Purpose: Analysis of the conditions for exemption from punishment the perpetrators of sexual intercourse with a person under the age of 16, formulated in the note 1 to article 134 of the criminal code. Methodology: Methods of analysis, comparative and formal-legal methods were used in the article. Results: In the study, the conclusions about the presence of the norm of discrimination on the basis of residence, in this connection, the author put forward a scientifically reasoned proposal for improving the legislation on marriage. Novelty/originality/value: The scientific value of the article lies in the fact that the authors analyzed the conditions of release of a person who committed a crime under part 1 of article 134 of the criminal code from punishment. The authors concluded that there is discrimination on the basis of place of residence in the considered norm, in this connection, the authors put forward a scientifically based proposal to improve the legislation on marriage.


Sexual intercourse, a person under 16 years, marriage, the age of marriage, exemption from punishment

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IDR: 140244676

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