Постгомицидные самоубийства

Автор: Голенков А.В.

Журнал: Суицидология @suicidology

Статья в выпуске: 3 (32) т.9, 2018 года.

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Самоубийство, совершённое после убийства - брутальная форма агрессивного поведения, которое редко наблюдается в повседневной жизни. На русском языке кратким и всеохватывающим является термин «постгомицидные самоубийства» (ПГСУ). В настоящем обзоре литературы ставилась цель рассмотреть основные результаты зарубежных исследований, посвящённых ПГСУ. Критерии квалификации ПГСУ колебались в широких временных пределах (часы и месяцы), не лишено оснований и предложение учитывать причинную связь между убийством и последующим самоубийством. Супружеские (партнерские) ПГСУ являются самыми распространёнными (40-70% всех случаев), далее следуют детские (2,9-36%), семейные (2-31,9%) и внесемейные (2,9-40%) ПГСУ. Распространённость ПГСУ в разных странах мира составляет от 0,4 до 8,9 случаев на 1 млн жителей. В Чувашии (регион России) случаи ПГСУ регистрируются от 1 до 6 случаев (в среднем -4,2±2,0 случая в год) или от 0,8 до 4,84 (в среднем - 3,32) на 1 млн жителей. В литературе среди мотивов совершения ПГСУ обсуждаются: патологическая ревность (amorous jealousy), стрессы, “mercy killing” или altruistic; зачастую (в 25-50%) выявить мотивы не удаётся...


Постгомицидные самоубийства (самоубийства, совершённые после убийства), психические расстройства, эпидемиология, факторы, профилактика

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/140237141

IDR: 140237141   |   DOI: 10.32878/suiciderus.18-09-03(32)-3-15

Список литературы Постгомицидные самоубийства

  • Barraclough В., Harris E.C. Suicide preceded by murder: the epidemiology of homicide-suicide in England and Wales 198892. Psychol. Med. 2002; 32 (4): 577-584.
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  • Large M., Smith G., Nielssen O. The epidemiology of homicide followed by suicide: a systematic and quantitative review. Suicide Life Threat. Behav. 2009; 39 (3): 294-306 DOI: 10.1521/suli.2009.39.3.294
  • Liem M. Homicide followed by suicide: A review. Aggress. Violent Behav. 2010; 15 (3): 153-61 DOI: 10.1016/j.avb.2009.10.001
  • Liem M., Oberwittler D. Homicide Followed by Suicide in Europe. Handbook of European Homicide Research: Patterns, Explanations, P. and Country Studies. Springer Science+Business Media, 2012: 197-215 DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4614-0466-8_12
  • Roma P., Pazzelli F., Pompili M., Lester D., Girardi P., Ferracuti S. Mental illness in homicide-suicide: a review. J. Am. Acad. Psychiatry Law. 2012; 40 (4): 462-8.
  • Голенков А.В. Постгомицидные самоубийства: описание 5 случаев. Российский психиатрический журнал. 2017; 2: 12-6.
  • Голенков А.В. Распространенность и особенности постгомицидных суицидов на примере одного из регионов России. Психическое здоровье. 2018; 16 (2): 9-13 DOI: 10.25557/2074-014X.2018.02.9-13
  • Горинов В.В. Посмертная судебно-психиатрическая экспертиза в уголовном процессе/Руководство по судебной психиатрии//Под ред. А.А. Ткаченко. 2-е изд., перераб. и дополн. М.: Юрайт, 2015. Гл. 6. С. 200-209.
  • Golenkov A., Large M., Nielssen O., Tsymbalova A. Homicide and mental disorder in a region with a high homicide rate. Asian J. Psychiatry. 2016; 23: 87-92. doi.org/10.1016/j.ajp.2016.07.015.
  • Ардашев Р.Г., Китаева В.Н. Судебные психиатрические и психолого-психиатрические экспертизы при расследовании убийств, осложненных суицидом правонарушителей. Закон и право. 2013; 8: 86-87.
  • Bossarte R.M., Simon T.R., Barker L. Characteristics of homicide followed by suicide incidents in multiple states, 2003-04. Inj. Prev. 2006; 12 (2): 33-38 DOI: 10.1136/ip.2006.012807
  • Logan J., Hill H.A., Black M.L., Crosby A.E., Karch D.L., Barnes J.D., Lubell K.M. Characteristics of perpetrators in homicide-followed-by-suicide incidents: National Violent Death Reporting System -17 US States, 2003-2005. Am. J. Epidemiol. 2008; 168 (9): 1056-1064 DOI: 10.1093/aje/kwn213
  • Regoeczi W.C., Granath S., Issa R., Gilson Т., Stump J. Comparing Homicide-Suicides in the United States and Sweden. J. Forensic Sci. -2016; 61 (6): 1524-1530. doi: 10.1111/1556 4029.13194.
  • Flynn S., Gask L., Appleby L., Shaw J. Homicide-suicide and the role of mental disorder: a national consecutive case series. Soc. Psychiatry Psychiatr. Epidemiol. 2016; 51 (6): 877-884 DOI: 10.1007/s00127-016-1209-4
  • Chan C.Y., Beh S.L., Broadburst R.G. Homicide-suicide in Hong Kong, 1989-1998. Forensic. Sci. Int. 2004; 140 (2-3): 261-267.
  • Liem M., Hengeveld M., Koenraadt F. Domestic homicide followed by parasuicide: a comparison with homicide and parasuicide. Int. J. Offender Ther. Comp. Criminol. 2009; 53 (5): 497516 DOI: 10.1177/0306624X09334646
  • Marzuk P.M., Tardiff K., Hirsch C.S. The epidemiology of murder-suicide. AMA. 1992; 267 (23): 3179-3183.
  • Roberts K., Wassenaar D., Canetto S.S., Pillay A. Homicide-suicide in Durban, South Africa. J. Interpers Violence. 2010; 25 (5): 877-899 DOI: 10.1177/0886260509336964
  • Panczak R., Geissbilhler M., Zwahlen M., Killias M., Tal K., Egger M. Homicide-suicides compared to homicides and suicides: systematic review and meta-analysis. Forensic Sci. Int. 2013; 233 (1-3): 28-36 DOI: 10.1016/j.forsciint.2013.08.017
  • Merzagora I., Travaini G., Battistini A., Pleuteri L. Murder-suicide in the province of Milan, Italy: criminological analysis of cases 1990-2009. Med. Sci. Law. 2011; 51 (2): 87-92 DOI: 10.1258/msl.2010.010086
  • Flynn S., Swinson N., While D., Hunt I.M., Roscoe A., Rodway C., Kapur N., Appleby L., Shaw J. Homicide followed by suicide: a cross-sectional study. J. Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology. 2009; 20 (2): 306-321 DOI: 10.1080/14789940802364369
  • Carcach C., Grabosky P.N. Murder-suicide in Australia Australian Institute of Criminology Trends and Issues in Crime and Criminal Justice. Canberra. 1998; March (82): 6.
  • Panczak R., Zwahlen M., Spoerri A., Tal K., Killias M., Egger M. Incidence and risk factors of homicide-suicide in Swiss households: National Cohort study. PLoS One. 2013; 8 (1): 53714. doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0053714.
  • McPhedran S., Eriksson L., Mazerolle P., De Leo D., Johnson H., Wortley R. Characteristics of Homicide-Suicide in Australia: A Comparison With Homicide-Only and Suicide-Only Cases. J. Interpers Violence. 2018; 33 (11): 1805-1829 DOI: 10.1177/0886260515619172
  • Densley J., Hilal S.M., Li S.D., Tang W. Homicide-Suicide in China: an Exploratory Study of Characteristics and Types Asian. J. Criminology. 2017; 12 (3): 199-216 DOI: 10.1007/s11417-016-9238-1
  • Stack S. Homicide followed by suicide: An analysis of Chicago data. Criminology. 1997; 35 (3): 435-453.
  • De Koning E., Piette M.H. A retrospective study of murder-suicide at the Forensic Institute of Ghent University, Belgium: 1935-2010. Med. Sci. Law. 2014; 54 (2): 88-98 DOI: 10.1177/0025802413518018
  • Kotzé C., Khamker N., Lippi G., Naidu K., Pooe J.M., Funeka B., Sokudela F.B., Roos L. Psychiatric and Other Contributing Factors in Homicide-Suicide Cases, from Northern Gauteng, South Africa Over a Six-Year Period. Int. J. Forensic Mental Health. 2018; 17 (1): 35-44. doi.org/10.1080/14999013.2017.1416004.
  • Dogan K.H., Demirci S., Gunaydin G., Buken B. Homicide-suicide in Konya, Turkey between 2000 and 2007. J. Forensic Sci. 2010; 55 (1): 110-115. 4029.2009.01239.x DOI: 10.1111/j.1556-
  • Liem M., Barber C., Markwalder N., Killias M., Nieuwbeerta P. Homicide-suicide and other violent deaths: an international comparison. Forensic Sci. Int. 2011; 207 (1-3): 70-76 DOI: 10.1080/14789940802364369
  • Ardashev R.G., Kitaeva V.N. Forensic psychiatric and psychopsychiatric examinations in the investigation of murders complicated by suicide of offenders. Law and Law. 2013; 8: 86-87. (In Russ)
  • Bossarte R.M., Simon T.R., Barker L. Characteristics of homicide followed by suicide incidents in multiple states, 2003-04. Inj. Prev. 2006; 12 (2): 33-38 DOI: 10.1136/ip.2006.012807
  • Logan J., Hill H.A., Black M.L., Crosby A.E., Karch D.L., Barnes J.D., Lubell K.M. Characteristics of perpetrators in homicidefollowed-by-suicide incidents: National Violent Death Reporting System -17 US States, 2003-2005. Am. J. Epidemiol. 2008; 168 (9): 1056-1064 DOI: 10.1093/aje/kwn213
  • Regoeczi W.C., Granath S., Issa R., Gilson Т., Stump J. Comparing Homicide-Suicides in the United States and Sweden. J. Forensic Sci. -2016; 61 (6): 1524-1530. doi: 10.1111/1556 4029.13194.
  • Flynn S., Gask L., Appleby L., Shaw J. Homicide-suicide and the role of mental disorder: a national consecutive case series. Soc. Psychiatry Psychiatr. Epidemiol. 2016; 51 (6): 877-884 DOI: 10.1007/s00127-016-1209-4
  • Chan C.Y., Beh S.L., Broadburst R.G. Homicide-suicide in Hong Kong, 1989-1998. Forensic. Sci. Int. 2004; 140 (2-3): 261-267.
  • Liem M., Hengeveld M., Koenraadt F. Domestic homicide followed by parasuicide: a comparison with homicide and parasuicide. Int. J. Offender Ther. Comp. Criminol. 2009; 53 (5): 497516 DOI: 10.1177/0306624X09334646
  • Marzuk P.M., Tardiff K., Hirsch C.S. The epidemiology of mur-der-suicide. AMA. 1992; 267 (23): 3179-3183.
  • Roberts K., Wassenaar D., Canetto S.S., Pillay A. Homicide-suicide in Durban, South Africa. J. Interpers Violence. 2010; 25 (5): 877-899 DOI: 10.1177/0886260509336964
  • Panczak R., Geissbilhler M., Zwahlen M., Killias M., Tal K., Egger M. Homicide-suicides compared to homicides and suicides: systematic review and meta-analysis. Forensic Sci. Int. 2013; 233 (1-3): 28-36 DOI: 10.1016/j.forsciint.2013.08.017
  • Merzagora I., Travaini G., Battistini A., Pleuteri L. Murder-suicide in the province of Milan, Italy: criminological analysis of cases 1990-2009. Med. Sci. Law. 2011; 51 (2): 87-92 DOI: 10.1258/msl.2010.010086
  • Flynn S., Swinson N., While D., Hunt I.M., Roscoe A., Rodway C., Kapur N., Appleby L., Shaw J. Homicide followed by suicide: a cross-sectional study. J. Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology. 2009; 20 (2): 306-321 DOI: 10.1080/14789940802364369
  • Carcach C., Grabosky P.N. Murder-suicide in Australia Australian Institute of Criminology Trends and Issues in Crime and Criminal Justice. Canberra. 1998; March (82): 6.
  • Panczak R., Zwahlen M., Spoerri A., Tal K., Killias M., Egger M. Incidence and risk factors of homicide-suicide in Swiss households: National Cohort study. PLoS One. 2013; 8 (1): 53714. doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0053714.
  • McPhedran S., Eriksson L., Mazerolle P., De Leo D., Johnson H., Wortley R. Characteristics of Homicide-Suicide in Australia: A Comparison With Homicide-Only and Suicide-Only Cases. J. Interpers Violence. 2018; 33 (11): 1805-1829 DOI: 10.1177/0886260515619172
  • Densley J., Hilal S.M., Li S.D., Tang W. Homicide-Suicide in China: an Exploratory Study of Characteristics and Types Asian. J. Criminology. 2017; 12 (3): 199-216 DOI: 10.1007/s11417-016-9238-1
  • Stack S. Homicide followed by suicide: An analysis of Chicago data. Criminology. 1997; 35 (3): 435-453.
  • De Koning E., Piette M.H. A retrospective study of murder-suicide at the Forensic Institute of Ghent University, Belgium: 1935-2010. Med. Sci. Law. 2014; 54 (2): 88-98 DOI: 10.1177/0025802413518018
  • Kotzé C., Khamker N., Lippi G., Naidu K., Pooe J.M., Funeka B., Sokudela F.B., Roos L. Psychiatric and Other Contributing Factors in Homicide-Suicide Cases, from Northern Gauteng, South Africa Over a Six-Year Period. Int. J. Forensic Mental Health. 2018; 17 (1): 35-44. doi.org/10.1080/14999013.2017.1416004.
  • Dogan K.H., Demirci S., Gunaydin G., Buken B. Homicide-suicide in Konya, Turkey between 2000 and 2007. J. Forensic Sci. 2010; 55 (1): 110-115. 4029.2009.01239.x DOI: 10.1111/j.1556-
  • Liem M., Barber C., Markwalder N., Killias M., Nieuwbeerta P. Homicide-suicide and other violent deaths: an international comparison. Forensic Sci. Int. 2011; 207 (1-3): 70-76 DOI: 10.1080/14789940802364369
  • Coid J. The epidemiology of abnormal homicide and murder followed by suicide. Psychol. Med. 1983; 13 (4): 855-860.
  • Regoeczi W.C., Gilson T. Homicide-Suicide in Cuyahoga County, Ohio, 1991-2016. J. Forensic Sci. 2018; 8 DOI: 10.1111/1556-4029
  • Salari S. Patterns of intimate partner homicide suicide in later life: strategies for prevention. Clin. Interv Aging. 2007; 2 (3): 441-452.
  • Flynn S., Gask L., Shaw J. Newspaper reporting of homicide-suicide and mental illness. B.J. Psych. Bull. 2015; 39 (6): 268-72 DOI: 10.1192/pb.bp.114.049676
  • Lecomte D., Fornes P. Homicide followed by suicide: Paris and its suburbs, 1991-1996. J. Forensic. Sci. 1998; 43 (4): 760-764.
  • Satoh F., Osawa M. Trend of homicide-suicide in Kanagawa Prefecture (Japan): Comparison with western countries. Med. Sci. Law. 2016; Oct. 3. pii: 0025802416668769. - DOI: 10.1177/0025802416668769
  • Cohen D., Llorente M., Eisdorfer С. Homicide-suicide in older persons. Am. J. Psychiatry. 1998; 155 (3): 390-396 DOI: 10.1176/ajp.155.3.390
  • Liem M., Nieuwbeerta P. Homicide followed by suicide: a comparison with homicide and suicide. Suicide Life Threat Behav. 2010; 40 (2): 133-145 DOI: 10.1521/suli.2010.40.2.133
  • Голенков А.В. Гибель медицинских работников от рук больных (психиатрический аспект). Медицинская сестра. 2018; 20 (1): 20-23 DOI: 10.29296/25879979-2018-01-06
  • Roma P., Spacca A., Pompili M., Lester D., Tatarelli R., Girardi P., Ferracuti S. The epidemiology of homicide-suicide in Italy: a newspaper study from 1985 to 2008. Forensic Sci. Int. 2012; 10, 214 (1-3). e1-5 DOI: 10.1016/j.forsciint.2011.06.022
  • Bell C.C., McBride D.F. Commentary: Homicide-suicide in older adults -cultural and contextual perspectives. J. Am. Acad. Psychiatry Law. -2010; 38 (3): 312-317.
  • Coid J. The epidemiology of abnormal homicide and murder followed by suicide. Psychol. Med. 1983; 13 (4): 855-860.
  • Regoeczi W.C., Gilson T. Homicide-Suicide in Cuyahoga County, Ohio, 1991-2016. J. Forensic Sci. 2018; 8 DOI: 10.1111/1556-4029
  • Salari S. Patterns of intimate partner homicide suicide in later life: strategies for prevention. Clin. Interv Aging. 2007; 2 (3): 441-452.
  • Flynn S., Gask L., Shaw J. Newspaper reporting of homicide-suicide and mental illness. B.J. Psych. Bull. 2015; 39 (6): 268-72 DOI: 10.1192/pb.bp.114.049676
  • Lecomte D., Fornes P. Homicide followed by suicide: Paris and its suburbs, 1991-1996. J. Forensic. Sci. 1998; 43 (4): 760-764.
  • Satoh F., Osawa M. Trend of homicide-suicide in Kanagawa Prefecture (Japan): Comparison with western countries. Med. Sci. Law. 2016; Oct. 3. pii: 0025802416668769. - DOI: 10.1177/0025802416668769
  • Cohen D., Llorente M., Eisdorfer С. Homicide-suicide in older persons. Am. J. Psychiatry. 1998; 155 (3): 390-396 DOI: 10.1176/ajp.155.3.390
  • Liem M., Nieuwbeerta P. Homicide followed by suicide: a comparison with homicide and suicide. Suicide Life Threat Behav. 2010; 40 (2): 133-145 DOI: 10.1521/suli.2010.40.2.133
  • Golenkov A.V. The death of medical workers at the hands of patients (psychiatric aspect). Medical sister. 2018; 20 (1): 20-23. doi: 10.29296/25879979-2018-01-06. (In Russ)
  • Roma P., Spacca A., Pompili M., Lester D., Tatarelli R., Girardi P., Ferracuti S. The epidemiology of homicide-suicide in Italy: a newspaper study from 1985 to 2008. Forensic Sci. Int. 2012; 10, 214 (1-3). e1-5 DOI: 10.1016/j.forsciint.2011.06.022
  • Bell C.C., McBride D.F. Commentary: Homicide-suicide in older adults -cultural and contextual perspectives. J. Am. Acad. Psychiatry Law. -2010; 38 (3): 312-317.
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