Consequences of an probably exit of Russia from under jurisdiction of the European court of human rights

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Purpose: Article is sent for consideration of possible consequences of an exit of Russia from under jurisdiction of the European Court of Human Rights. Methodology: The author applies formal-legal and comparative-legal method. Results: In article consequences of a possible exit of Russia from the Council of Europe and denunciation of the Convention on human rights protection and fundamental freedoms of 1950 for legal system of the Russian Federation, and also for realization of the rights of her citizens for the judicial appeal to ECHR are opened. It is noted, in case of an exit from under jurisdiction of ECHR activities of the Russian Federation for rapprochement of precepts of law, updating of the domestic legislation and a vozdaniya of important precedents in pursuance of decisions of this court it will be suspended that will negatively be reflected not only as citizens of the country, but also in a condition of lawmaking in general, will influence the status of our country on the international scene as in the conditions of the growing globalization the state which voluntary refused implementation of the Convention on human rights protection and fundamental freedoms in the territory, officially recognizes a step backwards in the legal development. Novelty/originality/value: The value of work consists in consideration of an actual scientific problem.


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IDR: 14027847

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