Semi-finished product from Daucus carota L. in the manufacture of confectionery

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Studies are devoted to a method for producing concentrated carrot juice with the aim of introducing candy caramel into the formulations using unconventional raw materials and a source of dye of natural origin. Currently, consumer demand for natural dyes that can be obtained from vegetable juices is growing. Carrot juice is especially rich in carotenoids. The production of carrot juice for commercial purposes involves thermal sterilization and lowering its pH, since its natural pH is approximately 6.0, which exposes the product to a high risk of bacterial contamination. Pressure processing is a new non-thermal technology used to pasteurize food products, and it has been scientifically proven to produce microbiologically safe and stable products with improved quality. It was found that the concentration process (0.08 MPa/45.4?/40min) significantly increases the amount of ?-carotene (50%). compared to freshly squeezed carrot juice. The resulting carrot juice concentrate in a significant amount contains solids on a refractometer of 75.8%, ?-carotene 6558 ?kg / 100 g, and also a slight increase in titratable acidity was noted twice. Formulations of candy caramel with the addition of carrot juice concentrate in the amount of 25, 50 and 75% by weight of water with the exception of the dye included in the control sample were developed. The obtained research results showed that candy caramel with the addition of carrot juice concentrate corresponds to physicochemical parameters in accordance with the requirements of GOST, but differs in tasting evaluation of caramel samples.


Daucus carota l, carrot juice, concentrate, dye, semi-finished product, caramel

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 140250958   |   DOI: 10.20914/2310-1202-2020-3-139-144

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