Planning of physical training of football players at the stage of sports specialization in the annual cycle

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Relevance. The increased popularity of football over the past decades, the issues of improving the level of efficiency of the training process are always relevant. This is especially true related to the methodological approaches to the planning of physical training of athletes, the rational construction of which largely determines the entire course of training activities of football players. Physical training, as we know, is a long process, without which neither technique nor tactics, nor the development of an athlete as a person are feasible. However, despite a number of researches in the field of optimization of planning of physical preparation of football players, in normative and educational-methodical documents a number of features of this type of preparation at the stage of specialization is not considered, in particular the ratio of volumes of training time from the point of view of preferential development of general and special physical qualities therefore a range of questions on the organization of a long-term physical preparation at the important transition stage to sports professionalization remains unresolved...


Football, football players, physical qualities, special and general physical training, structural components, planning, stage of sports specialization, annual cycle, coaches

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IDR: 142222010

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