Phonetic and phonemic laws in modern historical and phonological studies (linguistic historiographical aspect)

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The problem of phonetic and phonemic laws reconstruction in the works of linguists of the 19th - 21st centuries was investigated. The study demonstrated the significance of the concepts of sound changes based on the postulate of the phonetic law by E.D. Polivanov (convergent-divergent theory of sound changes),R.O. Jacobson (phonological mutations), which became the foundation of historical phonology, due to whichV.K. Zhuravlev completed the construction of the paradigm of historical (diachronic) phonology. It was shown that the phonetic variability and variability of the sound system of the language were considered as a consequence of the action of certain linguistic laws. Definitions of the terms “phonetic law” and “phonemic law”, the establishment of their main differences proved the thesis about the connection of synchrony and diachrony which allowed us to interpret the phenomena of the history of the sound systems of the Proto-Slavonic and East Slavonic languages. V.K. Zhuravlev and Yu.Ya. Burmistrovich's contribution to the study of these issues in relation to the history of East Slavonic languages were described in detail. The work used an actualistic method which allowed us to consider a particular linguistic concept from the point of view of contribution and significance for linguistics in comparison with previous achievements. A.S. Orel presented the material on phonemic laws in works on the sound system history; A.V. Piskunov - the material on the role of phonetic law and analogy, linguistic reconstruction in the works of Kharkiv, Moscow, Kazan schools scientists of; V.A. Glushchenko - the material on understanding the essence of phonetic law in the works of Kharkiv and Moscow schools scientists.


Phonetic law, phonemic law, sound system, synchrony, diachrony, proto-slavonic language, east slavonic languages, linguistic studies history

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IDR: 149140050

Список литературы Phonetic and phonemic laws in modern historical and phonological studies (linguistic historiographical aspect)

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