Promising segments in the market of children's products in a changing market environment

Бесплатный доступ

The article is focused on the signs of children's goods market segmentation and the definition of promising segments of the children's goods market development in changing market conditions. The methodological basis of this article is based on empirical research methods, namely, the study of information sources related to theoretical and practical issues of the formation and development of the children's goods market, as well as the identification of promising segments in the context of changing market relations under the influence of certain factors, including signs of segmentation. The article considers the state of the market of children's goods for the analyzed period of 2013-2018 and considers the prospects for the development of the market under the influence of various factors. The signs of children's goods market segmentation are determined, the segmentation of the market of children's goods and the characteristics of groups, market differentiation are presented, and promising segments of the market of children's goods are highlighted. There are two large segments in the market of children's goods - "rational" and "emotional". The first segment ("rational") - products that are necessary, but not too interesting for the buyer, and therefore it is important for him or her to spend as little time, money and emotions as possible on their purchase. The second segment ("emotional") consists of children's products that require a careful personal choice by the buyer, sold using all the tools of communication with the buyer and methods of organizing the purchase.


Children's goods market, market segmentation, consumer preferences, omnichannel sales, online trade, differentiation, children's clothing, baby food, market conditions, market development strategy

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 140259926   |   DOI: 10.24412/1995-042X-2021-2-132-142

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