Features of shooting for the forced stop of the vehicle in the activities of employees ensuring the safety of road traffic

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The article discusses the features of forced stopping of vehicles. The most wellknown means used to stop a vehicle are disclosed, as well as the option of stopping with the use of firearms and a set of measures to prevent accidental victims among random citizens. For police officers, the use of firearms is an extreme measure of influence, the federal law "On the Police" the nineteenth article stipulates that police officers using weapons, special means and physical force should strive to minimize any damage, it follows that only when other methods and means of conflict resolution are not effective or exhausted, employees can use weapons. In this regard, it is not enough and not enough to simply have the ability to use weapons and have them at your disposal, you need to have the ability to use them competently and skillfully.


Shooting from a military weapon, stopping a vehicle, public safety

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/142229743

IDR: 142229743

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