The features of the management innovations on the domestic enterprises

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The problem of the use of the management innovations for the increase of the management system effectiveness of the domestic enterprises is considered in the article. The topical character of the problem of increase of competitiveness of Russian enterprises in the current economic and political environment determines the need to find solutions. The implementation of these solutions will ensure a stable position on the market of the domestic producers. The innovative activity is the main direction of the guarantee of the competitiveness today. However, the production of the new products and introduction of the new production technologies are not the only solution. It is important to ensure the current management system of enterprises to the new economic conditions to achieve positive results of the innovative activity. The management innovations are the instrument of the improving the management systems effectiveness of the domestic enterprises. The introduction and the implementation of the management innovations need to begin the process of innovative development. The author picks out the distinctive features of the management innovations on the basis of the practical experience. These are: the low level of study of the problem of the non-technological forms of the innovation, the low cost of development and implementation in comparison with the cost of product and technological forms of innovation, the lack of the ability to objectively assess the effect of the introduction and implementation, the dependence on the qualities and abilities of the manager, the ability to obtain the effect in a short time. These features can "help" the dissemination of the management innovations among the domestic companies, and "slow down" the process. So, the possibility of obtaining the positive effect in a short time and the low cost will contribute to the rapid diffusion of the non-technological forms of innovation in the management system of the enterprises, even in the crisis. The lack of sufficient knowledge about the management innovations and their dependence on the qualities and abilities of the manager are effect the implementation process negatively.


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IDR: 14040426

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