Peculiarities of Imprisoned Female Convicts' Emotional State

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Social isolation has a strong impact on a woman's personality, her further life, as imprisonment often results in maladjustment, which implies the reduction of women's opportunities to adapt in the post-penitentiary period to existing norms of law and morality, the conditions of life in freedom. This article is devoted to the study of the peculiarities of the emotional state of female convicts in correctional institutions. Identification of these features will make it possible to more effectively restore women's emotional, mental and social health. This is particularly relevant, since those deprived of liberty return to society and their internal problems can have a harmful effect on the lives of their own children, families, and the immediate social environment. The aim was to clarify the peculiarities of the emotional state of female convicts serving sentences in the form of imprisonment


Places of deprivation of liberty, female convicts, convicts' emotional state, personality maladaptation, penitentiary stress, correctional and psychological impact

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IDR: 149132195   |   DOI: 10.24412/1999-6241-2021-2-186-193

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