Обзор докладов московских международных симпозиумов по исследованиям солнечной системы 2019 и 2020 гг. (ЮМ-S3 и ИМ-S3). Часть 2. Луна и Меркурий, Венера

Автор: Евдокимов Роман Александрович

Журнал: Космическая техника и технологии @ktt-energia

Рубрика: Обзоры научных конференций, симпозиумов, семинаров

Статья в выпуске: 2 (37), 2022 года.

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В статье дан обзор докладов двух последних Московских международных симпозиумов по исследованиям Солнечной системы в части изучения Луны, Меркурия и Венеры. Рассмотрено в общей сложности 65 докладов, в которых обсуждаются вопросы планирования перспективных миссий к указанным небесным телам, программы и задачи их исследования, научное оборудование, а также последние научные результаты. Доклады, в т. ч., охватывают вопросы геологического строения Луны, Меркурия и Венеры, особенности состава и физико-химических свойств лунного грунта и пылевой экзосферы Луны, эволюции поверхности, атмосферы и климата Венеры, её облачного слоя. В ряде докладов, касающихся перспектив исследования и освоения Луны, делается особый акцент на разведке и добыче местных ресурсов, включая полярные отложения водяного льда, в интересах лунных баз и будущей внеземной индустрии. Рассматриваются вопросы использования указанных ресурсов в интересах земной экономики и решения экологических проблем. Большое внимание уделяется Венере как объекту астробиологических исследований в свете последних данных о возможной микробиологической активности в её облачном слое. Приведённый материал может представлять интерес для специалистов ракетно-космической отрасли, в частности, при разработке программ освоения дальнего космоса как автоматическими, так и пилотируемыми средствами.


Солнечная система, планетология, международный симпозиум, дальний космос, автоматические межпланетные станции, луна, венера, меркурий, обзор докладов

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/143178829

IDR: 143178829

Список литературы Обзор докладов московских международных симпозиумов по исследованиям солнечной системы 2019 и 2020 гг. (ЮМ-S3 и ИМ-S3). Часть 2. Луна и Меркурий, Венера

  • Евдокимов Р.А. Обзор докладов Московских международных симпозиумов по исследованиям Солнечной системы 2019 и 2020 годов (10M-S3 и 11M-S3). Часть 1. Исследования Марса // Космическая техника и технологии. 2021. № 4(35). С. 114-136.
  • Луна — шаг к технологиям освоения Солнечной системы / Под науч. ред. В.П. Легостаева и В.А. Лопоты. М.: РКК «Энергия», 2011. 584 с.
  • Микрин Е.А. Научно-технические проблемы реализации проекта «Пилотируемые космические системы и комплексы» // Космическая техника и технологии. 2019. № 3(26). С. 5-19.
  • Микрин Е.А. Перспективы развития отечественной пилотируемой космонавтики (к 110-летию со дня рождения С.П. Королёва) // Космическая техника и технологии. 2017. № 1(16). С. 5-11.
  • Artemis missions. Available at: https://www.nasa.gov/specials/artemis/ (accessed 04.02.2022).
  • Greaves J.S., et al. Phosphine gas in the cloud decks of Venus // Nature Astronomy. 2020. P. 1-10.
  • Greaves J.S., Bains W., Petkowski J.J., et al. On the robustness of phosphine signatures in Venus' clouds // Available at: https ://a rxiv.o rg/ftp/a rxiv /p apers/ 2012/2012.05844.pdf (accessed 04.02.2022).
  • Bains W, et al. Phosphine on Venus cannot be explained by conventional processes // Astrobiology. 2021. In press.
  • Limaye S.S., Mogul R., Smith D.J., Ansari A.H., Siowik G.P., Vaishampayan P. Venus' spectral signatures and the potential for life in the clouds // Astrobiology. Sept. 2018. 18(9). P. 1181-1198.
  • Коцюрбенко О.Р. Есть ли жизнь на... Венере // Земля и Вселенная. 2021. № 3. С. 6-20.
  • Schulze-Makuch D. The case (or not) for life in the Venusian clouds // Life. 2021. 11(3). P. 255.
  • Sizentsev G.A., Sinyavskiy V.V., Sokolov B.A. Lunar resources to address energy and climate problems on Earth // Abstr.10th Moscow Solar System Symp. 10M-S3. Space Research Institute, Moscow, Oct. 7-11, 2019. V. 1. P. 349.
  • Benkhoff J., Zender J., Murakami G.D. BepiColombo en route to Mercury // Abstr. 10th Moscow Solar System Symp. 10M-S3. Space Research Institute, Moscow, Oct. 7-11, 2019. V. 1. P. 116.
  • Benkhoff J. Update on BepiColombo and first results from measurements during cruise // Abstr. 11th Moscow Solar System Symp. 11M-S3. Space Research Institute, Moscow, Oct. 5-9, 2020. V. 1. P. 149.
  • Kozyrev A.S. et al. MGNS: first data en route to Mercury // Abstr. 10th Moscow Solar System Symp. 10M-S3. Space Research Institute, Moscow, Oct. 7-11, 2019. V. 1. P. 117.
  • Kozyrev A. S., Litvak M. L., Lukyanov N., Malakhov A. A., I.G. Mitrofanov A.B. Sanin First results of the monitoring of cosmic gamma-ray bursts by the MGNS instrument onboard ESA BepiColombo mission to Mercury // Abstr. 11th Moscow Solar System Symp. 11M-S3. Space Research Institute, Moscow, Oct. 5-9, 2020. V. 1. P. 150.
  • Feoktistova E.A., Zharkova A.Yu., Kokhanov A.A., Rodionova Zh.F., Rotaru V.A Compilation of a new global catalog of Mercury's craters // Abstr. 11th Moscow Solar System Symp. 11M-S3. Space Research Institute, Moscow, Oct. 5-9, 2020. V. 1. P. 151-153.
  • Pieters CM., Head J.W., Nea C.R. Why go forward to the Moon? Because it is an integral part of the Earth-Moon system // Abstr. 11th Moscow Solar System Symp. 11M-S3. Space Research Institute, Moscow, Oct. 5-9, 2020. V. 1. P. 189.
  • Slyuta E.N. Geology, geochemistry and geophysics of the Moon: from priority scientific tasks to scientific equipment // Abstr. 10th Moscow Solar System Symp. 10M-S3. Space Research Institute, Moscow, Oct. 7-11, 2019. V. 1. P. 118-120.
  • Mitrofanov I.G. Human and robotic lunar exploration // Abstr. 11th Moscow Solar System Symp. 11M-S3. Space Research Institute, Moscow, Oct. 5-9, 2020. V. 1. P. 154.
  • Litvak M.L., Mitrofanov I.G. The reconnaissance of lunar resources // Abstr. 11th Moscow Solar System Symp. 11M-S3. Space Research Institute, Moscow, Oct. 5-9, 2020. V. 1. P. 155.
  • Petrukovich A.A., Zelenyi L.M., Anufreichik K.V., Mitrofanov I.G., Korab-lev O.V. Russian Luna-26 orbiter mission: science and implementation // Abstr. 11th Moscow Solar System Symp. 11M-S3. Space Research Institute, Moscow, Oct. 5-9, 2020. V. 1. P. 166.
  • Djachkova M.V., Mitrofanov I.G., Litvak M.L., Sanin A.B. Landing site selection for future lunar landers // Abstr. 10th Moscow Solar System Symp. 10M-S3. Space Research Institute, Moscow, Oct. 7-11,2019. V. 1. P. 157.
  • Tretyakov V.I., Zelenyi L.M., Mitrofanov I.G. Overview of Luna-27 science instruments // Abstr. 11th Moscow Solar System Symp. 11M-S3. Space Research Institute, Moscow, Oct. 5-9, 2020. V. 1. P. 167.
  • Litvak M.L., Mitrofanov I.G., Tretyakov V.I. The nearest perspectives for Lunokhod 2.0 // Abstr. 10th Moscow Solar System Symp. 10M-S3. Space Research Institute, Moscow, Oct. 7-11, 2019. V. 1. P. 158.
  • Basilevsky A.T., Malenkov M.I., Head J.W. 50 years of Lunokhod-1: past, present and future of planetary rovers // Abstr. 11th Moscow Solar System Symp. 11M-S3. Space Research Institute, Moscow, Oct. 5-9, 2020. V. 1. P. 159-161.
  • Joulaud M., Flahaut J., Urbina D., Madakashira H.K., Ito G., Biswas J., Sheridan S. Candidate landing sites and possible traverses at the South Pole of the Moon for the LUVMI-X rover // Abstr. 11th Moscow Solar System Symp. 11M-S3. Space Research Institute, Moscow, Oct. 5-9, 2020. V. 1. P. 162-165.
  • Mitrofanov I.G., et al. The concept of LUNA-28 mission for polar soil return // Abstr. 10th Moscow Solar System Symp. 10M-S3. Space Research Institute, Moscow, Oct. 7-11, 2019. V. 1. P. 159.
  • Basilevsky A.T., Krasilnikov S.S., Ivanov M.A., Malenkov M.I., Michael G.G., Liu T, Head J.W., Scott D.R., Lark L. Potential lunar base on Mons Malapert: Topographic, geologic and trafficability consideration // Abstr. 10th Moscow Solar System Symp. 10M-S3. Space Research Institute, Moscow, Oct. 7-11, 2019. V. 1. P. 151-153.
  • Schröder S., Vogt D.S., Rammelkamp K., Kubitza S., Frohmann S, Dietz E., Hansen P.B., Böttger U., Pavlov S.G., Börner A., Wedler A., Gensch M., Hübers H.-W. LIBS for in-situ geochemical investigations of extraterrestrial surfaces of atmosphereless bodies // Abstr. 10th Moscow Solar System Symp. 10M-S3. Space Research Institute, Moscow, Oct. 7-11, 2019. V. 1. P. 138-140.
  • Sefton-Nash E., Fisackerly R., Trautner R, Martin D.J.P., Carpenter J.D., Houdou B. Targeting lunar volatiles with ESA's PROSPECT payload on LUNA-27 // Abstr. 10th Moscow Solar System Symp. 10M-S3. Space Research Institute, Moscow, Oct. 7-11, 2019. V. 1. P. 129-131.
  • Heather D.J., Sefton-Nash E, Fisackerly R, Trautner R, Martin D.J.P., Carpenter J.D., Houdou B., Reiss P., Barber S. The ESA Lunar Exploration Team, the PROSPECT Science Team and the PROSPECT Industrial Team ESA's PROSPECT payload on Luna-27: Development Status // Abstr. 11th Moscow Solar System Symp. 11M-S3. Space Research Institute, Moscow, Oct. 5-9, 2020. V. 1. P. 168-169.
  • Nosov A., Kozlova T., Litvak M., Yakovlev V., Perhov A., Feofanov A., Mikhalsky V. Lunar rover and soil intake system for Luna-28 // Abstr. 11th Moscow Solar System Symp. 11M-S3. Space Research Institute, Moscow, Oct. 5-9, 2020. V. 1. P. 170-171.
  • Tomilina T.M., Kim A.A., Ponoma-reva S.N. Technology of 3D printing on the Moon // Abstr. 11th Moscow Solar System Symp. 11M-S3. Space Research Institute, Moscow, Oct. 5-9, 2020. V. 1. P. 172.
  • Sanin A.B., Mitrofanov I.G., Anikin A.A., Litvak M.L., Golovin D.V., Kozyrev A.S. The concept of gamma-ray spectrometer with tagged charged particles of galactic cosmic ray for lunar resource investigations // Abstr. 11th Moscow Solar System Symp. 11M-S3. Space Research Institute, Moscow, Oct. 5-9, 2020. V. 1. P. 173-175.
  • Ping J.S., Ji Y.C., Wang MY., Chen L.J., Zhang M., Huang M.H., Yan Y.H., Fang G.Y, Zhao B. Low frequency radio astronomical experiments on the Moon // Abstr. 10th Moscow Solar System Symp. 10M-S3. Space Research Institute, Moscow, Oct. 7-11, 2019. V. 1. P. 125-126.
  • Wang Mingyuan, Ping Jinsong, Zhang Mo, Chen Linjie, Marc Klein Wolt Prospect of planetary radio emission based on low frequency detection of Chang'E-4 // Abstr. 10th Moscow Solar System Symp. 10M-S3. Space Research Institute, Moscow, Oct. 7-11, 2019. V. 1. P. 137.
  • Sorokin E.M., Gerasimov M.V., Zaitsev M.A., Shcherbakov V.D., Ryazan-tsev K.M., Yakovlev O.I., Sluta E.N., Krasheninnikov S.P. Experimental simulating of a micrometeorite impact on the Moon // Abstr. 10th Moscow Solar System Symp. 10M-S3. Space Research Institute, Moscow, Oct. 7-11, 2019. V. 1. P. 141-143.
  • Gerasimov M.V., Yakovlev O.I., Yu.P. Diko Morphologies of impact-simulated condensates // Abstr. 10th Moscow Solar System Symp. 10M-S3. Space Research Institute, Moscow, Oct. 7-11, 2019. V. 1. P. 127-128.
  • Zelenyi L.M., Popel S.I., Zakha-rov A.V. Dust and dusty plasmas at the Moon. Challenges of modeling and measurements // Abstr. 11th Moscow Solar System Symp. 11M-S3. Space Research Institute, Moscow, Oct. 5-9, 2020. V. 1. P. 156-158.
  • Sharma R., Mardon A.A., Mardon C.C. Lunar lava tubes represent vast potential // Abstr. 10th Moscow Solar System Symp. 10M-S3. Space Research Institute, Moscow, Oct. 7-11, 2019. V. 1. P. 132-133.
  • Voropaev S.A., Dnestrovsky A.Yu. Features of the fossil tidal bulge formation for the early Moon // Abstr. 10th Moscow Solar System Symp. 10M-S3. Space Research Institute, Moscow, Oct. 7-11, 2019. V. 1. P. 134-136.
  • Head J., Wilson L. Rethinking lunar mare basalt regolith formation: new concepts of lava flow protolith and evolution
  • of regolith thickness and internal structure // Abstr. 10th Moscow Solar System Symp. 10M-S3. Space Research Institute, Moscow, Oct. 7-11, 2019. V. 1. P. 121-124.
  • Demidova S.I. Distribution of P-bearing olivines sources in the lunar crust // Abstr. 10th Moscow Solar System Symp. 10M-S3. Space Research Institute, Moscow, Oct. 7-11, 2019. V. 1. P. 144-146.
  • Head J.W., Wilson L. Dike intrusion-related processes in the lunar crust: the role of country rock porosity/permeability in magmatic percolation and thermal annealing, and implications for gravity signatures // Abstr. 10th Moscow Solar System Symp. 10M-S3. Space Research Institute, Moscow, Oct. 7-11, 2019. V. 1. P. 147-150.
  • Rodionova Zh.F, Grishakina E.A., Zharkova A.Yu., Shevchenko V.V. Topographical features of the Lunar Maria and Basins // Abstr. 10th Moscow Solar System Symp. 10M-S3. Space Research Institute, Moscow, Oct. 7-11, 2019. V. 1. P. 154-156.
  • Head J.W., Wilson L, Deutsch A.N, Rutherford M J, Saal A.E. Volcanically -induced transient atmospheres on the Moon: assessment of duration, significance and contributions to Polar Volatile Traps // Abstr. 11th Moscow Solar System Symp. 11M-S3. Space Research Institute, Moscow, Oct. 5-9, 2020. V. 1. P. 176-178.
  • Needham D.H., Kring D.A. Lunar volcanism produced a transient atmosphere around the ancient Moon // Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 2017. 478. P. 175-178.
  • Bott N, Flahaut J., Martinot M, Ito G. Unveiling the mineralogical compositionof lunar farside mare basalts // Abstr. 11th Moscow Solar System Symp. 11M-S3. Space Research Institute, Moscow, Oct. 5-9, 2020. V. 1. P. 179-181.
  • Qian Y, Xiao L., Head J WW., Hiesinger H, van der Bogert C, Wilson L. Young Mare Basalts in the Chang'e-5 landing region, Northern Oceanus procellarum // Abstr. 11th Moscow Solar System Symp. 11M-S3. Space Research Institute, Moscow, Oct. 5-9, 2020. V. 1. P. 182-184.
  • Zhang J., Head J.W., Liu J., Potter R.W.K. The origin of the Lunar procellarum KREEP Terrane (PKT): stratigraphic evidence and implications for lunar geological and thermal evolution // Abstr. 11th Moscow Solar System Symp. 11M-S3. Space Research Institute, Moscow, Oct. 5-9, 2020. V. 1. P. 185-188.
  • Krasnopolsky V.A. Venus nighttime photo-chemical model: night-glow of O2, NO, OH and abundances of O3 and ClO // Abstr. 10th Moscow Solar System Symp. 10M-S3. Space Research Institute, Moscow, Oct. 7-11, 2019. V. 1. P. 64-66.
  • Wurz P., Gruchola S, Galli A., Vorburger A. Measurement of the composition of Venus atmosphere during aerobreaking // Abstr. 10th Moscow Solar System Symp. 10M-S3. Space Research Institute, Moscow, Oct. 7-11, 2019. V. 1. P. 67-69.
  • Gromov V.D., Kosov A.S. A model of microwave absorption of atmospheric gases for the radiometric experiment in the Venera-D mission // Abstr. 10th Moscow Solar System Symp. 10M-S3. Space Research Institute, Moscow, Oct. 7-11, 2019. V. 1. P. 89-91.
  • Lammer H., Scherf M., Leitzinger M., Odert P., Kubyshkina D., Burger C, Johnstone C.P., Maindl T., Gudel M, Tosi N., Erkaev N.V., Fossati L. Atmospheric noble gas isotope and bulk K/U ratios as a constraint on the early evolution of Venus and Earth // Abstr. 10th Moscow Solar System Symp. 10M-S3. Space Research Institute, Moscow, Oct. 7-11, 2019. V. 1. P. 70-71.
  • Bauer M., Lammer H., Scherf M., Odert P., Leitzinger M. Implications of hydrodynamic escape for the Venusian water inventory, constrained by D/H // Abstr. 10th Moscow Solar System Symp. 10M-S3. Space Research Institute, Moscow, Oct. 7-11, 2019. V. 1. P. 72.
  • Ernst R., Khawja S, Samson C. Geological tests of global warming models on Venus // Abstr. 10th Moscow Solar System Symp. 10M-S3. Space Research Institute, Moscow, Oct. 7-11, 2019. V. 1. P. 73.
  • Ernst R.E., Khawja S, Samson C, Byrne P.K., Ghail R.C., MacLellan L.M. Tesserae on Venus may preserve evidence of fluvial erosion // Abstr. 11th Moscow Solar System Symp. 11M-S3. Space Research Institute, Moscow, Oct. 5-9, 2020. V. 1. P. 381.
  • Ksanfomality L.V. Bright flashes of lightning on Venus were recorded in infrared images of the Akatsuki mission // Abstr. 10th Moscow Solar System Symp. 10M-S3. Space Research Institute, Moscow, Oct. 7-11, 2019. V. 1. P. 74 - 76.
  • Way M.J. A temperate climate history of Venus // Abstr. 11th Moscow Solar System Symp. 11M-S3. Space Research Institute, Moscow, Oct. 5-9, 2020. V. 1. P. 376 -377.
  • Limaye S.S. Venus, an astrobiology target // Abstr. 11th Moscow Solar System Symp. 11M-S3. Space Research Institute, Moscow, Oct. 5-9, 2020. V. 1. P. 375.
  • Parmon V.N., Ksanfomality L.V., Zelenyi L.M., Snytnikov V.N. Hypothetical living forms on Venus planet and their possible nature // Abstr. 10th Moscow Solar System Symp. 10M-S3. Space Research Institute, Moscow, Oct. 7-11, 2019. V. 1. P. 92.
  • Gorinov D.A., Khatuntsev I.V., Zasova L.V., Patsaeva M.V., Turin A.V. Circulation of the lower cloud level on the nightside of Venus from VIRTIS-M (Venus Express) and IR2 (Akatsuki) data in 1.74 ¡j.m // Abstr. 10th Moscow Solar System Symp. 10M-S3. Space Research Institute, Moscow, Oct. 7-11, 2019. V. 1. P. 77- 78.
  • Gorinov D.A., Khatuntsev I.V., Zasova L.V., Patsaeva M.V., Turin A.V. Horizontal winds in the lower clouds on the night side of Venus from VIRTIS/VEx 1.74 ¡j.m data // Abstr. 11th Moscow Solar System Symp. 11M-S3. Space Research Institute, Moscow, Oct. 5-9, 2020. V. 1. P. 370.
  • Patsaeva M.V., Khatuntsev I.V., Turin A.V., Zasova L.V. Long-term variations of zonal wind speed at the cloud top level over mission time from VMC/Venus Express and UVI/Akatsuki UV images // Abstr. 11th Moscow Solar System Symp. 11M-S3. Space Research Institute, Moscow, Oct. 5-9, 2020. V. 1. P. 367-369.
  • Gubenko V.N., Kirillovich I.A. Internal waves characteristics in the Venus's atmosphere revealed from the Magellan and Venus Express radio occultation data by two independent methods // Abstr. 10th Moscow Solar System Symp. 10M-S3. Space Research Institute, Moscow, Oct. 7-11, 2019. V. 1. P. 79-81.
  • Razumovskiy M.V., Fomin B.A., Rodin A.V. Development of radiation block for non-hydrostatic GCM of Venus' Atmosphere // Abstr. 11th Moscow Solar System Symp. 11M-S3. Space Research Institute, Moscow, Oct. 5-9, 2020. V. 1. P. 366.
  • D'Incecco P., Lopez I., Filiberto J., Komatsu G. The young volcanic rises as suitable landing sites for future Venus missions: scientific relevance in the debate between the equilibrium and catastrophic resurfacing ypotheses // Abstr. 11th Moscow Solar System Symp. 11M-S3. Space Research Institute, Moscow, Oct. 5-9, 2020. V. 1. P. 378 -379.
  • MacLellan L.M., Ernst R.E., El Bilali H., Ghail R.C. Volcanic history of the Derceto Corona event, Astkhik Planum, Venus // Abstr. 11th Moscow Solar System Symp. 11M-S3. Space Research Institute, Moscow, Oct. 5-9, 2020. V. 1. P. 380.
  • Ghail R., Wilson C.F., Widemann T, Titov D.V., Voirin T., Ansan V., Bovolo F, Breuer D., Bruzzone L., Campbell B., Comatsu G., Dumoulin C, Helbert J., Le Gall A., Kiefer W, Marcq E, Mason P., Romstedt J., Rosenblatt P., Rugina A., Vandaele A.-C, Wielders A. EnVision: European concept of a mission to Venus // Abstr. 10th Moscow Solar System Symp. 10M-S3. Space Research Institute, Moscow, Oct. 7-1, 2019. V. 1. P. 82-83.
  • Martha A., Gilmore S, Patricia M, Beauchamp and the 2019 Venus Flagship Mission Study Team Proposed Venus Flagship Mission // Abstr. 10th Moscow Solar System Symp. 10M-S3. Space Research Institute, Moscow, Oct. 7-11, 2019. V. 1. P. 84-86.
  • Zasova L, Gregg T, Burdanov A., Economou T., Eismont N., Gerasimov M., Gorinov D., Hall J., Ignatiev N, Ivanov M., Lea Jessup K., Khatuntsev I., Korablev O, Kremic T, Limaye S, Lomakin I., Marty-nov A., Ocampo A., Shuvalov S, Vaisberg O, Voron V., Voronstsov V. Venera-D: a potential joint Roscosmos - NASA mission to explore Venus' atmosphere, surface, interior structure and plasma environment // Abstr. 10th Moscow Solar System Symp. 10M-S3. Space Research Institute, Moscow, Oct. 7-11, 2019. V. 1. P. 87-88.
  • Zasova L.V. Venera-D: a perspective planetary mission // Abstr. 11th Moscow Solar System Symp. 11M-S3. Space Research Institute, Moscow, Oct. 5-9, 2020. V. 1. P. 371.
  • Kremic T., Hunter G, Tolbert C. LLISSE: Development status // Abstr. 11th Moscow Solar System Symp. 11M-S3. Space Research Institute, Moscow, Oct. 5-9, 2020. V. 1. P. 373-374.
  • Kosenkova A.V., Martynov A.B. Maneuverable entry vehicles for Venus research // Abstr. 10th Moscow Solar System Symp. 10M-S3. Space Research Institute, Moscow, Oct. 7-11, 2019. V. 1. P. 93.
  • Zubko V.A., Belyaev A.A., Eismont N.A., Fedyaev K.S., Zasova L.V., Gorinov D.A. Landing on the Venus surface with gravity assist // Abstr. 11th Moscow Solar System Symp. 11M-S3. Space Research Institute, Moscow, Oct. 5-9, 2020. V. 1. P. 372.
  • Dominguez-Pumar M., Rodriguez-Man fredi J. A., Jimenez V., Bermejo S., Pons-Nin J. First experiments with a 3D heat flux sensor for planetary regolith // Abstr. 11th Moscow Solar System Symp. 11M-S3. Space Research Institute, Moscow, Oct. 5-9, 2020. V. 1. P. 382-384. Статья поступила в редакцию 29.11.2021 г. Окончательный вариант — 08.12.2021 г.
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