Industrial safety in the production of rubber

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Russian industry of synthetic rubber, is one of the most competitive and occupies a prominent place in the global petrochemical industry. However, the company production of synthetic rubber are among the most hazardous industrial facilities. The main operational risks are to fire and explosion hazards of raw materials used. Accidents in such establishments can damage not only the equipment, materials or buildings, but also cause serious environmental and economic consequences for the region. For the prevention of accidents, mitigation and elimination of losses, it is necessary to apply a set of measures aimed at the management and control of industrial safety. The legal basis of industrial safety in the Russian Federation is the Federal Law № 116-FZ dated 21.07.97 "On industrial safety of hazardous production facilities." Industrial Safety at work - an important part of its normal functioning. The most important condition of industrial safety of hazardous production facilities is the examination of industrial safety. Federal rules and regulations in the field of industrial safety "rules of examination of industrial safety", approved by Order of RTN on November 14, 2013 N 538 established: the procedure of examination of industrial safety requirements for the design of expert opinions and requirements for experts.


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IDR: 14040369

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