Mind games: to research of conditionality of human conflict and the possibility of peacekeeping in culture

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To clarify how conditioned, prejudicial thinking driven by the primitive biological brain creates conflict, the BioCognetics context was created to understand psychosomatic conditioning - how it impacts the human brain mentally, emotionally and physically, and how it extends from the playground to the battlefield. This pioneering field is based on the initial insights of modern notable thinkers, including quantum physicist Dr. David Bohm, educational philosopher JidduKrishnamurti, and authors Aldous Huxley and George Orwell.

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/142212305

IDR: 142212305

Список литературы Mind games: to research of conditionality of human conflict and the possibility of peacekeeping in culture

  • Bohm D.Wholeness and the Implicate Order. NY.; London, Routledge, 1980. -284 p.
  • Bohm-Biederman Correspondence: Creativity and Science, with Charles Biederman. editor PaavoPylkkänen.NY.; London, Routledge, 1999. -288 p.
  • Lives in the Shadow with J. Krishnamurti -RadhaRajagopalSloss, 1991, London, Bloomsbury: -372 p.
  • Webster-Doyle, T. Peace -The Enemy of Freedom. The Myth of Nonviolence. Sane/Intelligent Living Series, Weatherhill, 1991. -128 p.
  • Webster-Doyle, T. Are we born hardwired for war? Is war in our DNA? A Special Curriculum for Young People to Help Them Understand Their War-Like Feelings. Atrium Society Publications, 2011. -230 p.
  • Webster-Doyle, T. Why is Everybody Picking on Us: Understanding the Roots of Prejudice (Education for Peace Series)/Т. Webster-Doyle//Atrium Society Publications. -Weatherhill, 2001. -160 p.
  • Webster-Doyle, T. Dr. Webster-Doyle’s Martial Arts Guide for Parents: Helping Your Children Resolve Conflict Peacefully. -Weatherhill, 1999. -128 p.
  • Ионесов В.И. Борьба за наследие и сопротивление культур в глобализующемся мире//Креативная экономика и социальные инновации. -2014.-№ 2 (7). -С. 40-49.
  • Ионесов В.И. Импульсы и обертоны глобализующейся культуры//Модернизация культуры: идеи и парадигмы культурных изменений. Материалы международной научно-практической конференции. Под редакцией С.В. Соловьевой, В.И. Ионесова.-Самара: СГИК, 2013. -С. 24-31.
  • Ионесов В.И. Cопротивление культур: к особенностям нашего времени//В сборнике: Модернизация культуры: идеи и парадигмы культурных изменений. Материалы Международной научно-практической конференции под редакцией С.В. Соловьевой, В.И. Ионесова, Л.М. Артамоновой. 2014. С. 166-173.
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